
Sep 04, 2008 00:24

1. That you’re doing this, we can assume you like NEWS at least some.
Would you consider them your favorite Johnny’s Entertainment group?
- HAI!

2. Can you name all 6 current members?
- Takahisa Masuda, Tegoshi Yuya, Yamashita Tomohisa, Kato Shigeaki, Koyama Keiichiro and Nishikido Ryo

3. What about the 2 not currently around?
-Uchi Hiroki and Kusano Hironori

4. Ninth who left a long time ago?
-Moriuchi Takahiro

5. How did you learn about NEWS?
- I heard about them when they first debuted. I was into smap, TOKIO, and KinKi Kids at that time. I stopped listening to music for awhile though and completely forgot about JE until I listened to a song from "Touch" and that's when I started getting into JE again, but two of my friends made me pretty obsessive about them xD

6. What was your first impression of NEWS?
- I thought Massu was the cutest thing ever and thought their songs were catchy.

7. How did you come to like NEWS?
- Massu and Kusano pulled me in.

8. What do you think is NEWS strongest point when compared to other JE/music/talent groups?
- They are just the whole package, ne? Their singing is amazing (Tegonyan especially), good at dancing (Massu!! XDDD ....erm...gomenesai),they seem to have fun with each other, and there's just too much! (>-<)

9. What do you think is NEWS weakest point when compared to other JE/music/talent groups?
- Can't think of any yet.

10. Are you listening to them right now?
- Yes, the song JUST changed to a NEWS song. It's Yawarakana Mama de.

[b]Music Related[/b]
11. Do you enjoy NEWS’ music?
- Yes.... especially their ninja sex songs huhuhu~

12. What are your 5 favorite NEWS songs? (Released on CD or not)
- Rainbow, Cherish,Say Hello, Ai no Matador and the Shock me vs Devil or Angel

13. What’s your all time favorite solo song?
- oh god.....I would say either Happy Music, Pumpkin, or Gomen ne Juliet or when Kusano did Tsuki no Michi.

14. What music genre do you consider NEWS?
- Jpop but in a cool and cute way

15. What Japanese song would you love to hear NEWS do a cover of?
- Ketsumeishi- DRIVE

16. What nonJapanese song would you love to hear NEWS do a cover of?
- hmmm........I'd like to see Tegoshi do a Jason Mraz song or see them do a Mika song (that would be fun to see huhuhu~) otherwise, I'd like to see them do a SuJu or Big Bang song :D

17. Do you enjoy songs with all members or smaller groups better?
- I like them both ways.

18. Can you sing all the lyrics to one or more of their songs?
- Hai!

19. NEWS Nippon or Kibou~Yell~? (First single vs Debut single)
- Kibou~Yell~

[b]Favorite Related[/b]
20. Who’s your favorite member?
- Takahisa Masuda & Kusano Hironori ♥

21. Who’s your least favorite member?
- Nishikido Ryo or Yamapi.... I can never decide cos' I love them but at the same time they can bug me.(but I don't hate them)

22. Is there a member you could really do without?
- Nope, it's more fun with all of them.

23. Your favorite relationship between members (as friendship or more)?
- Koyashige or Shigoshi

24. Who has the best fashion sense?
- Massu, Koyama, Tegoshi, Yamapi, Shige, Ryo (yes ALL of them >.<))

25. Who normally has the best hairstyles?
- Massu (his bouncy hair is the best! *don don pa.....PA* hehehe) or Shige

26. Who’s singing voice is your favorite?
- Tegoshi, Massu, and Shige

27. Speaking voice?
- Massu ( so manly yet cute at the same time) and Shige

28. What’s your favorite NEWS group magazine shoot picture?
- Too Many!!! XDD

29. Solo picture?
- Too many! XD

30. Favorite shop photo?
- again TOO MANY!! XD

31. Favorite CD cover?
- I like all of them

32. Favorite DVD?

[b]Member Related[/b]
33. If the members had become teachers, what do you think each would teach?
- Massu- P.E
- Tegoshi- Music
- Yamapi- Economics
- Koyama- Literature
- Shige- Science and Math
- Ryo- History

34. Who seems most likely to show a different side of themselves on Christmas Eve?
- well I could see Massu being like a little kid (XDD *flails* Too cute) Koyama would make sure that no one opens their presents early, Shige would be attacking tegonyan (supposedly "tickling" him)
, Ryo might be the one to show a change, and Yamapi would be with Toma.

35. If NEWS rangers were created, what colors? Don’t associate them with Kanjani, just give them colors.
- Massu- Yellow
- Tegoshi-Pink
- Yamapi- Red
- Ryo- Blue
- Koyama- White
- Shige- Green

36. Please make NEWS into the ideal family.
- Massu- boyfriend or husband! heehee
- Tegoshi- little bro
- Koyama- mother
- Shige- father
- Yamapi-older brother
- Ryo- cousin

37. NEWS are hosts at a host club you’ve never been in before. Who would you pick after just walking in?
- Massu.

38. What kind of costume would you like to see them wear at a concert that they haven’t already done?
- Angel costumes? Or Massu in a cute panda suit (like a onesie) xD

39. How would you like to be related to NEWS?
- massu- friend or boyfriend
- tegoshi- my pretty younger brother
- yamapi- my kakoii oniichan
- ryo- cousin
- koyama- friend or brother
- shige- my brainy brother or friend

40. Assign an animal to each member.
-massu- cute pig or panda huhuhu~
- tegoshi- cute bunny
- shige- cute cat
- ryo- wolf or fox
- yamapi- dog
- koyama- Puppy

41. Which NEWS member reminds you most of one of your own family members?
- Tegoshi cos' my sisters and my mom can be pervs A LOT

42. Who seems most likely to dress up on Halloween and/or do cosplay?
- Massu and Tegoshi

43. Who do you think you could pass by on the street without noticing?
- uh..... Idk

44. Who do you think has pulled the most all nighters?
- ........... huhuhu~

45. Which member would you want as a boss and why?
- yamapi and koyama for their leadership thing.

46. Who would it be most awkward to catch in the erotic section of a video rental store?
- Well, the member to most likely be in that section would be Tegoshi.... So I guess him.

[b]Drama/TV Related[/b]
47. Do you watch the dramas containing NEWS members?
- Yes.

48. Do you watch dramas that DON’T contain NEWS members?
- Yes.

49. Have you seen all the dramas they’ve stared in?
- I've seen all of massu's and almost all of pi's except a few. tegoshi's gachibaka and mbmh. shige's papa to musume and ryo's 1 liter of tears and last friends. I only saw koyama when he guested in yukan club.

50. What was the first Yamapi drama you saw?
- Dragon Zakura

51. Do you wait for subtitles to watch a drama with NEWS members?
- most of the time.

52. Excluding Yamapi, which member of NEWS do you think has the best acting?
- massu in dance drill, waraeru koi wa shitakunai, Tegomass in gachibaka and Ryo in 1 litre and last friends. Koyama is pretty good too so is shige.

53. Excluding Yamapi, who’s acting do you enjoy the most?
- Tegomass

54. Is there a story you’d like to see made into a drama with one or more NEWS member?
- Fruits Basket with all of them, Ouran Host Club with all of them, Gravitation XDD and uhm.....Hikaru no go with all of them

55. Is there a certain type of role you’d like to see one of them play?
- I still need to think about it but I enjoy any role. I liked Tegonyan's role in my boss, my hero

56. Do you watch Shonen Club?
- Yes.

57. Is your main reason for watching Shounen Club, NEWS as guests or Koyama as host?
- I just like the show.

58. Have you seen Yamapi and/or Tegoshi’s episodes on Shounen Club Premium?
- yep both.

59. Have you seen any other Shounen Club Premium episodes?
- Yes.

60. Did you regularly watch Ya-ya-yah!’s TV show?
- not really but I watch every episode the I can find.

61. Have you watched many/most of the older episodes?
- some.

62. Did you try watching Hi!Hey!Say! to see Koyama host?
- I wanted to.

63. Do you regularly watch Japanese music shows (Such as Music Station or HEYHEYHEY), or just when NEWS is featured?
- Yes, of course. I enjoy those shows even when NEWS isn't on them.

[b]Fandom Related[/b]
64. Do you scan magazines?
- no

65. Do you write fanfiction?
- No. I want to though.

66. Do you read fanfiction?
- Hai!

67. Do you draw fanart?
- I was thinking of doing it.

68. Do you enjoy fanart?
- i enjoy looking at them

69. Do you make image manipulations?
- sometimes... simple ones though

70. Do you talk too much about NEWS?
- oh god... I can't go 10 seconds without thinking about at least Massu or Kusano.

71. Do you download pretty much everything that comes out?
-Pretty much

72. Do you upload for others?
- sometimes.

73. Do you make music/fan made videos?
- no

74. Do you watch fanmade music/fan videos?
- maa~ sometimes

75. Do you watch fancams?
- yep

76. Do you do translations?
- no, still learning japanese

77. Do you read translations?
- yes

78. Do you follow their Jwebs?
- yes

79. Do you follow the rest of JE, or at least some of it?

80. Do you follow other Japanese musical groups?
- Yes.

81. Have you converted other people into NEWS fans?
- yes! huhuhu~

82. Do your friends/family not interested in the group know about them?
- yep. I got my mom to watch some shows they appeared in and she likes Kusano the best lol:D

[b]Merchandise Related[/b]
83. Do you own any NEWS CDs?
- In a sense

84. Do you own any DVDs?
- In a sense

85. Do you own any magazines?
-they aren't on the cover but they are in it.

86. Do you own any concert goods?
- NO ;-;

87. Do you own any shop photos?
- in a sense

88. Have any posters on your wall?
- no. One day though!

89. Any other special/not-above-mentioned items?
-Hmm..... I have their ringtones!

90. If you could have any NEWS item given to you magically as a gift, what would it be?
- Everything!!

[b]Final Part is Always Hardest[/b]
91. So. Are Uchi and Kusano coming back?
- well...Uchi is kinda making a comeback right now by acting. Hopefully Kusano comes back from New York soon and joins NewS again. ;-;

92. Do you want them back, why or why not?
- Yes! oh god YES! Johnny-san let them debut again!

93. NEWS members having girlfriends- how do you feel?
- I'll only be jealous if it's Massu or Kusano, but I can't really do anything about it but face reality.

94. If you could meet and chat with just one of the members once in your life, who?
- Massu or Kusano

95. Can you write the kanji for all member names?
- I know most of them (yamapi's and Massu's the best though) not good at writing it though -__-;

96. What do you think of Ryo being in both Kanjani∞ and NEWS?
- Fine by me :D

97. NEWS loses another member. Who is it, and why?
- That's not going to happen..... EVER

98. Do you use the word “tabai”?
- YES!!!

99. After this, one more question. You [u]have[/u] to bring back one of the three lost members to NEWS- who is it?
-difficult but I'd choose Kusano

100. Anything you want to say?
- this was really the longest time I spent posting! XD but it was fun! thank you for this and hopefully NEWS will continue for as long as possible.

news, rant, meme

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