I'm finally starting to feel better! YAY!
I'm really sad right now though. My friend went to Honduras to get some testing done on him and to see some family. He doesn't know when he's coming back and keeps on sending me sad e-mails. I miss him~ He said I should have went with him so I could get tested too since I'm sick all the time. [laughs]
The last time I actually talked to him was when he was waiting at the airport, we talked for about four hours.
When he asked how I was doing and I said "sick" he gasped and said that he's going to kidnap me and take me to the hospital one of these days. I started laughing and told him that my friends are already getting a bubble for me [joking] After I sad that he got all confused, he thought I was serious about the bubble thing. Gotta love that kid.
It's snowing again~!!!! O(≧∇≦)O It's the big fluffy flakes too!!! those are the best, ne?
I'm still working on that fic. I should have it up sometime before the year ends or it might be the first thing I post in the upcoming year.
I just realized today that I have only eaten two things since Thanksgiving, even on Thanksgiving I barely ate [I had some wild rice and green bean casserole] Before anyone starts freaking out *coughcough*sandy*coughcough* I have been sleeping or sick so I haven't really had any appetite. I'm pretty sure once my mom notices my lack of meals she's going to start forcing food on me. I'm feeling better though, so I should be hungry later.
I can't really think of anything else to write right now.
Ah I have a picture of my puppy sleeping under our Christmas tree~ [the color is kinda weird cos' I had to tweak it a bit in photoshop so everything looks kinda bright.]