kundalini yoga numerology

Apr 16, 2005 00:16


these are my results from that site

The main blockage that this person has in processing his own internal states is fear. It is said, “Spiritual people should be happy,” but this person will say, “Oh... I can’t be happy because....” He will always find some excuse which is fear-oriented. This fear will keep him from being able to see happiness and joy in his life. The positive aspect of this number, once he works on this body, is that he will be totally fearless to deal with anything that comes his way. Once he tunes in to his soul he will see the expansiveness of his relationship with God. He will see that he is God, that he is Infinite; he will be in the ecstasy of the joy of seeing the infinity of God, the Wahe Guru.
The Number 8

The Eight Body is the Pranic Body, it represents Guru Har Krishan’s quality of Purity.
The number 8 also stands for healing. My Path Number is 8 and I am a Chiropractor. Healing has always been the thing that I loved most, and it is the thing that gives me the most joy in life. It is written in my astrology chart. Everything in my chart says “Heal, heal, heal, heal,” everything.

I f you master 8 you also master 2, 3, and 4 (“When you master pranayama you will have control of your mind").

Music can bring automatic mastery of the 8th Body because music takes tremendous control of prana. Singing will give you tremendous control of your Pranic Body.

The person with an 8 will want to see others really jazzed up in terrns of energy. An 8 looks to food for energy and tries to get energy from gross forms rather than from subtle sources.

The negative aspect of the number 8 is being tired all the time. This is the one thing that doctors have missed: Tiredness does not come from the adrenal glands. That is the biggest mistake in the medical field. Tiredness comes from your Pranic Body not working. The Pranic Body is your diaphragm. When you open up the diaphragm (which is the main exercise you give to somebody who has adrenal problems), when you get the diaphragm flexed out, the Pranic Body starts working and there is no more tiredness. Tiredness has nothing to do with adrenals. The energy to the adrenals comes from the Pranic Body.

This person is overwhelmed by everything in the external world. He will walk into an office with a speech all ready but will be unable to speak at all. There is so much input coming through his aura that it totally confuses his mind. What this person can hope to gain by doing something about it, is to be able to walk into any situation and feel totally confident; no matter how much negativity is present in his surroundings, he will uplift that situation because his aura is so strong that the negative input will not be able to penetrate his aura.
The Number 7

The Seventh Body is the Aura. The number 7 is what gives the person the ability to uplift, what makes a person feel at peace. It is Mercy.

The number 7 has tremendous qualities. The number 7 will want to be up-front; he will do this because he wants to elevate people. A 7 may be a singer (singing can open people’s heart), he can heal with his voice, or he might want to sing just because he enjoys watching people be lifted. He will have a strong self-identity in all situations.

The negative aspect of the number 7 is that this person will hide out in his shell - he will just stay in his house a whole lot and he won’t like to come out. He lives in his shell; he has the ability to grow in that shell and not go out. His house goes with him, he wants to be totally protected. A 7 can be easily swayed by other people and unfamiliar surroundings. Seven’s who work through this block feel at home everywhere.


The number 5 is my Gift: The ability to teach. It has always been easy for me to teach. As soon as I was in 3HO I was teaching. Teaching has never been a problem for me; it is like eating breakfast - there is no hassle to it, in fact, it is quite enjoyable and a very pleasurable experience. I have always enjoyed helping others learn. To discipline my physical body bas never been hard either.
The Number 5

The 5th Body is the Physical Body and physical things are pretty easy for someone with a 5 in his numbers. It is easy for a person with a 5 to push himself physically. He has a strong body and has the ability to sacrifice. Use what you have to overcome your weaknesses.

The Fifth Body is represented by Guru Arjun. It represents the Physical Body but it is also the Teacher number. Guru Arjun had so much physical control that he sat on the hot plate and chanted Wahe Guru. That was his example. Guru Arjun represents Self-sacrifice.

The negative aspect of the number 5 is that these people have a lot of problems with their physical body. They can’t control their physicial environment at all - it is hard for them to do exercises and it is hard for them to keep control of their weight. They love to eat and they can become lazy. They prefer comfort over sacrifice. They are scared to death to teach.

A 5 is half God and half Man (half balance).


The number 6 is “Person at Prayer.” It is the Arc Line. I have a 6 as my Destiny Number and for some reason my Arc Line has always worked; I always loved to meditate. I used the 5 and the 6 as my talents to work on the other bodies. In other words, meditation seemed to be the most natural way for me to work through my Karma, Soul and Path.
Other people will see a person with a Destiny of 6 as being one-pointed and very prayerful.
The Number 6

The Arc Line is the Sixth Spiritual Body and the Sixth Guru was the master of the Arc Line. His actions, his life, his entire purpose, was to teach us about the Arc Line. Guru Hargobind stands for Justice.

A person with a 6 will love to meditate. A “Person at Prayer” is someone who really likes to meditate. It should be easy for someone in 3H0 to meditate, so a person with a 6 will benefit from meditation. Other people have other talents - it may be counseling, it may be physical yoga sets, it may be music.

The number 6 represents the Are Line, and the strength of this body will depend on whether the person has a 6 as his Soul Number or his Gift Number. It depends on how much he has worked on himself and it depends on his ability to meditate. It is going to depend on the person - if he is doing nothing spiritual the 6 may not work at all, then the Arc Line will be his biggest block. But if he worked on himself for 1000 days developing himself with meditation, his Are Line will be his biggest asset.

The Are Line gives you your intuitive ability. The negative aspect of the number 6 is that this person will be non-intuitive, he will talk without thinking and will have a hard time in situations where he has to concentrate.


This person must become the Siri Guru. He must become a constant reminder of God to other people. The way he can do this is by bringing other people to the Feet of the Guru - the Siri Guru Granth. Whenever he is having a conversation he can always take that person and expand that person’s consciousness through that interchange; he can expand other people to Infinity. People walk away from this person feeling very elevated and very conscious.

The Number 11

Every number is reduced to a one digit number except the numbers 10 and 11. If you have an 11 in any position, do not change it. Thus, whenever you have an 11 in your numerology, it does not turn into a 2. For example, let’s take December the l3th - the 12 of the month would change into 3 and the 13 would change into a 4, but with October the 11th, nor the 10 does not change neither the 11, leave it as an 11.

The number 11 represents the Siri Guru Granth, the “Entirety,” the “Perfection of the Being.”

The numbers for somebody with a birthday on November 11, 1947, are 11, 11,
11. This rneans that this person has to have a very intense relationship with the Guru.

When you bow before the Siri Guru Granth your Arc Line merges with the Arc Line of the Guru’s feet and your 10 bodies automatically work perfectly; that is why the most important discipline, the most valuable discipline for a Yoga student is to go before the Guru and bow, because it automatically makes the 10 bodies work.

People who have 11 in key numbers must spend a lot of time with the Guru - serving the Guru, Parkash, whathever - they have to put a lot into the Guru. It is amazing how many people have 11’s. I know one lady that has 3 11’s, and she is a holy terror. Now she is finally responding to that and it totally switched her. She has an 11 in the Gift position, but she has been resisting that gift. She didn’t accept gifts very easily.

The number 11 is a Scorpio (in Astrology). A negative 11 would be really down into the Scorpio consciousness. There are 3 aspects of Scorpio: the Scorpion, the Eagle, and the Phoenix. The Siri Guru Granth is like the Phoenix - that pure light, this is the positive aspect. The negative of this number is the real scorpion projective consciousness. A person with an 11 in a negative position can forget his infinity and be ruled by Maya.
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