(no subject)

Mar 30, 2007 17:32

Hello Moto

I think I want to buy a motorcycle as my next automobile.
Comments, thoughts, suggestions? 
Do you think it would suit me?


Gym yesterday was great.  Three hours... well one of those was spent in the sauna and whirlpool :)
As a result I had a major dose of endorphines for the rest of the day.  
I was so supercharged, I felt like a cheerleader on pixie stixs.
It was a little neauseating, but I like it.
I'm soooooo sore today but I'm going back for more.

Look What I Can Do!

I finally figured out how to use the link button, aren't I special?
In other exciting news,
I got sunblock for my nose.

Look for updates in the Ireland department  and,
My theory on Primal Mating Genes.
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