Jun 26, 2005 15:30
i just cut both my index fingers andf i cut off a piece of my left index finger ans omg
ic ut off a chunk on one of thleft one holy fufkign shit
edit: ok i have plasters on both my fingers now.
okk uhh i had this old bottle with "stop & väx" (basically stop and grow) which is this gross stuff you put on your nails and i tried to open it and stuff and yeh then i took a knife (a normal kitchen knife of course) andnadn spent ages trying to open it, and i tried hot water and acetone etc. but it wouldn't go up, but yeh then when i tried with the knife again i pressed as hard as i could and the whole top of the bottle broke and cut both my fingers.
andand then i rushed into my toilet washing my fingers and then i realised it won't stop bleeding 'cause the cuts are too deep (it was literally pouring out blood like the water was pouring out the tap :\) so i asked my brother to come in and help and he was like "oh my god" and yeh then he kept shouting out so mum would hear that i was trying to commit suicide and stuff to piss me off XD hahahaha .
and yeh he put plasters on both fingers after i had tried to stop the bleeding by pressing lots of paper on the wounds (which didn't work so well :\). but the left finger bled so much that it was bleeding out the top and bottom of the plaster and ugh :\ and i told my mum there's a chunk missing and she was like "yeah there is, usually when there's a chunk missing you have to sew it to make it stop bleeding" O.O but yeh since it's quite small... i mean come on you dno't have to sew that only like one stich would fit hahah :( so now my mum has put 3 plasters on the finger so tight that i can feel the blood pounding in it and i can't lift the top of the finger up lmfao.
oh my god i cut off a piece of my finger :(
and sadly enough this is probably the height of my day.
aggkh i hate the pounding feeling hahaha