Mar 27, 2006 16:19
Recap of your life (Basically like a book)
Chapter 1--Basics
Initials: MMM
Birthday: 8-8-90
Current location: Kacy's room
Height: 4'11
Hair length: umm a lil long i guess
Eye color: Blue
Piercings: 4 in each ear and belly button
Chapter 2--Family
Do you live with your parents?: just my dad
Do you get along with your parents?: yes most of the time
Are your parents married/separated/divorced?: divorced
Do you have any siblings?: brother and sister
What pets do you have?: 3 dogs 6 cats and about 20 fish in the pond
Chapter 3--Favorites
City: Springfield!!
Ice cream flavor: Vanilla
Season: Summer
Clothing brand: umm any cute ones
Color: blue, pink, purple and green
Number: 7 i guess i dont really have one
Shape: heart
Girl's Name: umm dont really have one but i guess Megan
Boy's Name: Tristin(sp?) Ian and Aiden
Place to vacation: ohio i guess
Foods: fries
Candy: umm peunut m&ms
Chapter 4--Do You ...
Sing in the shower?: yup
Write memos on your hand?: sometimes
Sleep on a certain side of the bed?: not really
Wear glasses or contacts?: nope neither
Have any weird habits: dont think so
Have any bad habbits: yeah
Dislike something about yourself: yup
Chapter 5--Have You Ever...
Worn braces?: nope
Broken a bone?: yes
Had stitches?: nope
Shoplifted?: nope
Punched someone in the face?: on accident
Skipped school?: yes
Taken painkillers?: yes
Gone scuba diving?: nope
Been stung by a bee?: yup
Thrown up in a restaurant?: nope
Been to overnight camp?: nope
Written a letter to Santa Claus?: when i was little
Been sent to the principals office?: yep
Been called a bitch?: yep
Chaper 6--Who/What was the last..
Person to IM you?: Kacy
Person to call you?: my mom
Person you hugged?: idk
Person to Message you on Myspace: i dont remember some person idk tho
Person you tackled?: i dont remember
Thing you touched?: keyboard and mouse
Thing you ate?: sandwich
Drank?: rootbeer
Yeah theres that!! and I haven't updated in forever and a day!!
So friday I am leaving after school with my dad and sister for Ohio!! We are staying at my dad's girlfriends house in Columbus friday night. Saturday I am going to some auction for my uncle and goin to my dads friends house with his girlfriend and her twins(they are 8 or 9). umm then i am prolly stayin the night at my moms!! umm.... I will prolly stay at my gramma and grampas during the week tho cuz my mom and brother have work!!! I am going to go shopping and get my hair done, well cut and maybe highlighted or died. Umm yeah Idk oh we are comin back next Sunday and my cousin Brittne is comin up to cuz her mom is here and its their spring break then!! Yay shes awesome! Yeah so my dad has a girlfriend named Judy and she has twins that are 8 or 9 named kayla and gary.. and my mom has a boyfriend names Chris and he has a 3 year old son names Cameron and he is really cute!! umm yeah i never have met judys kids tho but i am this weekend and then they are commin up the 21st. and judy seems pretty kool and so does Chris.. yeah pretty cool pretty cool and my moms house is awesome!!!!! Yeah I can't wait to move down in June!! I'm really excited about that.. I wish I could move down sooner tho!! But its okay i guess I can wait! Yeah I dk what else to say so Talk to ya all later!!
Love ya all,