Jun 05, 2006 13:45
Despite recent events, I did manage to have a really good time over the weekend.
Saturday morning at some ridiculous hour Kyle got up to head down to meet Dancefreak at the station to borrow his iidx controller, we then spent half the day trying to get it to work! No luck there unfortunately. Time was getting on so we headed off to Bedford for Kris' party. The weather decided to be nice and be all sunny and pretty but as great as that was it only took one go on the q-mix for me to be too hot and trying to find either a skirt to play in or even a towel and some safety pins. This didn't happen for obvious reasons.
Loads of people then showed up and much dancing and running off to tesco for cheap burgers ensued. I even got a good chance to speak to manda, Sam and Suze which was great as I didn't actually think they liked me. Turns out it was kinda the same for them and all was fixed and good.
Paul and Tepster both brought their poker sets along and some very long games happened till stupid o clock. Kyle went all in on the first hand and lost! Paul did a fantastic job of remembering what was what and whose go it was. Mullet and Jassy are officially the cutest couple ever! Kris rambled on about mad stuff thanks to the painkillers i lent him. Both myself and Ricky tried using 6 cards in one go cause we're poker noobs! Though to be fair it was very late, myself and Kyle then headed off to bed (See also, curled up on the floor under my coat)
Got up very early next morning to help clear up and ended up playing 2 more games of poker with people (yay more fun!) after before heading off back to Leicester. I'm not including the rest of the weekend in here as it wasn't that great because of my stupid back and stupid busses and stupid trains and stupid networks etc etc etc.
It was really great to see all the people there again and I thank you all for the good time it was.
But blah, back to things as they were now. Time to get my ass moving with stuff that needs doing and keep my mind off other things. The weekend was great but I do need to keep things moving slowly and easily. Not take on too much at once and try to manage.
Oh, and everyone wish Kyle luck with his final exam this Friday! I'm sure he'll do well. He's smart and stuff! Also lovely and gorgeous and the best boyfriend ever so yay :)