RE: Re: Re: old age should burn and rave at close of day 3/3
February 20 2016, 07:22:52 UTC
Hey now, don't sell yourself short! We're all here because we share a love for a particular published work of fiction and want to create things to celebrate it. And a wise dog once said that sucking at something is the first step to becoming sort of good at something. For perspective, I've been creating various kinds of narrative fanwork forrrr... roughly fourteen years now. And I spent a lot of that time feeling like I wasn't good enough.
Anyway, even if you feel like your writing is plateauing, you know, you're still making progress--as in any skill, a large portion of the process of improvement is just simple repetition. The important thing is to keep trying until you get to where you want to be, and then set another "where" to work towards. Be the fanwork you want to see in the world, you know? Don't beat yourself up if you feel like you're not as good as you want to be yet. You'll get there eventually if you keep at it. And in the meantime, well... the world never hurts for more creative works existing.
And yeah, I written quite a few fills! I just got here a couple months ago, but for long(ish) fills:
And I think that's all! Gosh, I just realized I write like 50% humor and 50% drama. Expect to hit some intense mood whiplash if you actually go through the whole list in sequence, haha.
Re: Re: Re: old age should burn and rave at close of day 3/3
February 21 2016, 04:15:42 UTC
Aah, thank you! Honestly just saying that makes me want to write more. The KM needs more people like you, heh. And I guess that's true, whether or not it's good doesn't make it worth less than nothing. Something's always better than nothing, and writing would help me improve. Thanks again!
Oops. I'm hooked on the Preitor Gavorn/Johnn Whitson one. Is it going to be ongoing? Beautiful writing and an awesome idea. not to mention hot haha oops
((Also, I've read Sweet Pea before! Dang, A!A, I'm seeing you everywhere! And of course, the Charr one is awesome as well, amazing structure, and way to develop a character that wasn't really mentioned much in the game. I'm impressed, to say the least.))
I've gotten to the short fic, and dude, I'm laughing so hard. I was the original A!A to fill that one, what a hilarious coincidence!
And gosh, I've gotta commend all of these. They're all amazingly written, and all the characters stay perfectly in character. I can definitely see the jack-grunt-rachni queen scene from the second minifill you wrote me happening in the game. Also, that gave me a good laugh, "But now he's fed up with the sex!" and "Too many legs. Not enough places for a good grip." got me actually laughing out loud. Rare feat for a fill. Kudos to you (' ')b
I've always been interested in the concept of trans asari. I mean, it makes sense to me, I guess. A transgender asari is no more unlikely than a straight asari, in terms of exposure to gender, and the game already has many asari with partners of the opposite sex.
Wow, I just suddenly started using capitalization. When did that happen? I'm not sure. I'm just kind of switching in and out of it, apparently.
And this comment section is probably really long by now but it shouldn't really bother anyone else, and it seems easier than going and commenting on each individual fill of yours. Thanks for chatting with me.
(P.S., is that link you sent to drawporn from your tumblr?)
RE: Re: Re: Re: old age should burn and rave at close of day 3/3
February 21 2016, 07:13:07 UTC
Well I'm glad to help however I can! I mean, honestly, there's no rush to pass some arbitrary skill threshold so you can join the Accredited Fan Creator Club or whatever, we're all free to learn and improve at whatever rate fits with the rest of our lives. Like I said before, we're here because of a shared love for something. In my experience, putting care and genuine love into your work is the best way to galvanize other fans into being creative anyway, and I've yet to find any downside to encouraging each other.
Also gosh, thank you so much, I'm still working on learning how to take praise gracefully and that's a lot of it all at once, gdgjcshf xD ♥
Gavorn/Jonn and Charr are both... uh, ongoing, but currently on backburner. Wintertide (Charr) mostly just needs a concrete outline hashed out proper before I can take it any further; Extrinsic Spiral (Gavorn/Jonn)... I kind of bit off more than I could chew with that premise. Most of the porn I've produced in the past has been standalone or short sequential art, so their narrative arcs, if they even have any, are fairly brief. I am not totally sure how to handle the pacing from here, not to mention the porn--I'm ace-probably-aro, so making appealing porn is always a bit like driving through dense fog for me. Never quite sure where I'm actually going! I feel bad about leaving Wintertide hanging for too long since it was actually for someone else's prompt, but Spiral was a self-fill so TBH I'll... uh. I'll probably figure it out... eventually. I mean I do want to get back to it sometime, but I'd definitely need to porn-writing level grind a bit first. sob.
Hah, that's a funny coincidence! what else have you written, if you don't mind me asking?
"Not enough places for a good grip" is a callback to a snippet of in-game ambient dialogue, actually! From... somewhere in ME2, I'm pretty sure. Originally from a krogan bring baffled about why other krogan find asari attractive, heh. I found the contrast amusing, anyway.
(you can... probably guess which anon is me, on account of I say some of the exact same things about mortality rates in this fill.)
Hee. Its a pleasure to chat!
(And yes, the illustration is from my tumblr. It was either that or dusty old LJRP accounts. Are you by any chance the person who sent me an ask about being on the kinkmeme? ;p)
Re: Re: Re: Re: old age should burn and rave at close of day 3/3
February 22 2016, 23:18:51 UTC
Haha, this is true! I try to help out wherever I can, too, and there isn't exactly a requirement of how good of a writer you have to be.
Whoops, hope I didn't sound too creepy. I just, honestly, don't get a chance to talk with really good writers all that often, and when I do I just shower them in compliments. Like now. And hah, I'm the same! I usually just mutter 'thank', or, over the internet, do similar to what you did- 'tiruhdjfsk thank'(just with a bit less grace than you XD).
I made a prompt in which I offered to fill other's people's suggestions, or whatever they commented below. I got like 5 suggestions. I only did 1. So I feel you. Except, I don't think I could ever write as much as you have, hah. I normally get bored unless writing with another person.
This is just one coincidence after another- I, too, am ace-probably-aro. I've never tried writing porn and I don't think I ever will, at least not any time soon, because it basically makes me really really uncomfortable, oops.
whoops. yeah, i am that person. just figured it might've been easier for you to talk somewhere else other than the comments, if this was getting to crowded, but if you don't wanna talk over tumblr, that's fine!!
RE: Re: Re: Re: Re: old age should burn and rave at close of day 3/3
February 23 2016, 03:30:58 UTC
Naw you're not being creepy! I'm just used to being one of the less experienced writers I know, there are several people in my immediate social circle who are professionally published writers, hahaha.
Haha, I've always felt being asexual has given me an advantage in writing porn! Because it's less personal, I guess? There's a trick to it, I think--good porn has a structure to it that's almost the same as good humor, drama, or horror. Or music, really! In any of these, it's a matter of the interplay between setting up, meeting, and thwarting audience expectation. The difference between them is mostly the nature of the expectations that you're playing with.
Omg I really like FeminineShep. THAT'S ADORABLE oh Jack. Oh Shepard. Oh Miranda, what must walking in on that have been like? (Was she thinking Jack was pretty, I bet I would have been thinking Jack was pretty.)
Frustrated Shep is great too. (HI WREX AND VICTUS! 8D) Having to herd all of these recalcitrant alien cats, poor Shepard!
(The multilateral opposition to the krogan cure in canon, that was always a bit of a head-scratcher for me. We get a lot of hints from canon that the previous Reaper Wars turned into gruesome slow wars of attrition, which means you need a steady source of warm bodies to throw at the problem... and who better than the fast-breeding, long-lived krogan? That is, if and only if they're cured.)
TUMBLR IS FINE FOR ME just checking, I was actually also getting a bit of askbox hate yesterday, so it was among strange company haha.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: old age should burn and rave at close of day 3/3
February 25 2016, 19:01:35 UTC
haha that's good. i always fear i just praise a bit too much, oops.
honestly, when i write, it's quickly and usually off the top of my head. i don't really plan things out. i, oddly enough, used to be able to write better, back when i first started. it wasn't a matter of skill, but i actually enjoyed writing back then, and now i'm just like eh. i was writing a story with a friend that got up to about 133 google doc pages, but then things happened and she decided she 'would never write with me again' and blah blah blah you get the idea. which kind of sucks, considering that it was the only thing i enjoyed writing, but eh. for some reason, i just can't seem to write any more, at least not anything long. maybe i'll try after i finish writing this message, heh. and oops i rambled my bad.
i'm really glad you like it! i just had the idea of 'am i interrupting something.' being a closing line, it was way funnier in my head though. and jack woouulldd have looked pretty, because let's be honest her in-game face is freaking gorgeous like wth, but the dress looked like something a 15-year-old would wear, not an adult. so, y'know, frilly and knee-length and sequin-y and not fancy. does that make sense? i guess it's also a matter of the fabric used, erighjk.
i didn't have many ideas for that, and i feel that victus and shepard are totally out of character(in my own fill). but i can definitely imagine wrex saying those things. (oh and, i first thought you literally meant cats and now i have a great prompt idea that may turn into a self fill)
well, i guess, the other species still hadn't entirely absorbed the idea of what they were up against. call it shock, i guess, but not really. i think i read this in a book once- a thousand people die, it's a tragedy, but millions or even billions of people at once die and it's not even comprehensible. the numbers are too high to really grasp. so, i guess, most people didn't really realize that there most likely wasn't going to be anything after the war, and that they were all going to die without the krogan. however, they had dealt with krogan in the past, and i guess felt they would take out the rest of the galaxy after the war. does what i'm saying make any sense?
i'm lucky enough to not have gotten askbox hate yet. probably because im not actually popular enough to get askbox hate, haha. i'm gonna presume that's why you turned anon off?
and that's cool! if it's ok, can i message you? or you can message me, either way, but it's kinda getting cluttered in this reply section. not unreadbale, just a loooot of replies.
Anyway, even if you feel like your writing is plateauing, you know, you're still making progress--as in any skill, a large portion of the process of improvement is just simple repetition. The important thing is to keep trying until you get to where you want to be, and then set another "where" to work towards. Be the fanwork you want to see in the world, you know? Don't beat yourself up if you feel like you're not as good as you want to be yet. You'll get there eventually if you keep at it. And in the meantime, well... the world never hurts for more creative works existing.
And yeah, I written quite a few fills! I just got here a couple months ago, but for long(ish) fills:
Femshep/Vidinos, explicit:
Preitor Gavorn/Jonn Whitson, explicit, mind content warning:
Charr, gen(ish?), worksafe (still ongoing, sort of hiatused because I got stuck):
for short fic, aside from this one there's also this (worksafe):
And a couple of minifills, both worksafe:
And I think that's all! Gosh, I just realized I write like 50% humor and 50% drama. Expect to hit some intense mood whiplash if you actually go through the whole list in sequence, haha.
Oops. I'm hooked on the Preitor Gavorn/Johnn Whitson one. Is it going to be ongoing? Beautiful writing and an awesome idea. not to mention hot haha oops
((Also, I've read Sweet Pea before! Dang, A!A, I'm seeing you everywhere! And of course, the Charr one is awesome as well, amazing structure, and way to develop a character that wasn't really mentioned much in the game. I'm impressed, to say the least.))
I've gotten to the short fic, and dude, I'm laughing so hard. I was the original A!A to fill that one, what a hilarious coincidence!
And gosh, I've gotta commend all of these. They're all amazingly written, and all the characters stay perfectly in character. I can definitely see the jack-grunt-rachni queen scene from the second minifill you wrote me happening in the game. Also, that gave me a good laugh, "But now he's fed up with the sex!" and "Too many legs. Not enough places for a good grip." got me actually laughing out loud. Rare feat for a fill. Kudos to you (' ')b
I've always been interested in the concept of trans asari. I mean, it makes sense to me, I guess. A transgender asari is no more unlikely than a straight asari, in terms of exposure to gender, and the game already has many asari with partners of the opposite sex.
Wow, I just suddenly started using capitalization. When did that happen? I'm not sure. I'm just kind of switching in and out of it, apparently.
And this comment section is probably really long by now but it shouldn't really bother anyone else, and it seems easier than going and commenting on each individual fill of yours. Thanks for chatting with me.
(P.S., is that link you sent to drawporn from your tumblr?)
Also gosh, thank you so much, I'm still working on learning how to take praise gracefully and that's a lot of it all at once, gdgjcshf xD ♥
Gavorn/Jonn and Charr are both... uh, ongoing, but currently on backburner. Wintertide (Charr) mostly just needs a concrete outline hashed out proper before I can take it any further; Extrinsic Spiral (Gavorn/Jonn)... I kind of bit off more than I could chew with that premise. Most of the porn I've produced in the past has been standalone or short sequential art, so their narrative arcs, if they even have any, are fairly brief. I am not totally sure how to handle the pacing from here, not to mention the porn--I'm ace-probably-aro, so making appealing porn is always a bit like driving through dense fog for me. Never quite sure where I'm actually going! I feel bad about leaving Wintertide hanging for too long since it was actually for someone else's prompt, but Spiral was a self-fill so TBH I'll... uh. I'll probably figure it out... eventually. I mean I do want to get back to it sometime, but I'd definitely need to porn-writing level grind a bit first. sob.
Hah, that's a funny coincidence! what else have you written, if you don't mind me asking?
"Not enough places for a good grip" is a callback to a snippet of in-game ambient dialogue, actually! From... somewhere in ME2, I'm pretty sure. Originally from a krogan bring baffled about why other krogan find asari attractive, heh. I found the contrast amusing, anyway.
The trans asari one was sort of springboarded off this discussion:
(you can... probably guess which anon is me, on account of I say some of the exact same things about mortality rates in this fill.)
Hee. Its a pleasure to chat!
(And yes, the illustration is from my tumblr. It was either that or dusty old LJRP accounts. Are you by any chance the person who sent me an ask about being on the kinkmeme? ;p)
Whoops, hope I didn't sound too creepy. I just, honestly, don't get a chance to talk with really good writers all that often, and when I do I just shower them in compliments. Like now. And hah, I'm the same! I usually just mutter 'thank', or, over the internet, do similar to what you did- 'tiruhdjfsk thank'(just with a bit less grace than you XD).
I made a prompt in which I offered to fill other's people's suggestions, or whatever they commented below. I got like 5 suggestions. I only did 1. So I feel you. Except, I don't think I could ever write as much as you have, hah. I normally get bored unless writing with another person.
This is just one coincidence after another- I, too, am ace-probably-aro. I've never tried writing porn and I don't think I ever will, at least not any time soon, because it basically makes me really really uncomfortable, oops.
(These are all SFW and basically minifills, two comments worth at most)
my first fill is just a bunch of cringe and i'd really rather not link it tbh
Awed By Humanity, as you saw:
Fed Up:
whoops. yeah, i am that person. just figured it might've been easier for you to talk somewhere else other than the comments, if this was getting to crowded, but if you don't wanna talk over tumblr, that's fine!!
Haha, I've always felt being asexual has given me an advantage in writing porn! Because it's less personal, I guess? There's a trick to it, I think--good porn has a structure to it that's almost the same as good humor, drama, or horror. Or music, really! In any of these, it's a matter of the interplay between setting up, meeting, and thwarting audience expectation. The difference between them is mostly the nature of the expectations that you're playing with.
Omg I really like FeminineShep. THAT'S ADORABLE oh Jack. Oh Shepard. Oh Miranda, what must walking in on that have been like? (Was she thinking Jack was pretty, I bet I would have been thinking Jack was pretty.)
Frustrated Shep is great too. (HI WREX AND VICTUS! 8D) Having to herd all of these recalcitrant alien cats, poor Shepard!
(The multilateral opposition to the krogan cure in canon, that was always a bit of a head-scratcher for me. We get a lot of hints from canon that the previous Reaper Wars turned into gruesome slow wars of attrition, which means you need a steady source of warm bodies to throw at the problem... and who better than the fast-breeding, long-lived krogan? That is, if and only if they're cured.)
TUMBLR IS FINE FOR ME just checking, I was actually also getting a bit of askbox hate yesterday, so it was among strange company haha.
honestly, when i write, it's quickly and usually off the top of my head. i don't really plan things out. i, oddly enough, used to be able to write better, back when i first started. it wasn't a matter of skill, but i actually enjoyed writing back then, and now i'm just like eh. i was writing a story with a friend that got up to about 133 google doc pages, but then things happened and she decided she 'would never write with me again' and blah blah blah you get the idea. which kind of sucks, considering that it was the only thing i enjoyed writing, but eh. for some reason, i just can't seem to write any more, at least not anything long. maybe i'll try after i finish writing this message, heh. and oops i rambled my bad.
i'm really glad you like it! i just had the idea of 'am i interrupting something.' being a closing line, it was way funnier in my head though. and jack woouulldd have looked pretty, because let's be honest her in-game face is freaking gorgeous like wth, but the dress looked like something a 15-year-old would wear, not an adult. so, y'know, frilly and knee-length and sequin-y and not fancy. does that make sense? i guess it's also a matter of the fabric used, erighjk.
i didn't have many ideas for that, and i feel that victus and shepard are totally out of character(in my own fill). but i can definitely imagine wrex saying those things. (oh and, i first thought you literally meant cats and now i have a great prompt idea that may turn into a self fill)
well, i guess, the other species still hadn't entirely absorbed the idea of what they were up against. call it shock, i guess, but not really. i think i read this in a book once- a thousand people die, it's a tragedy, but millions or even billions of people at once die and it's not even comprehensible. the numbers are too high to really grasp. so, i guess, most people didn't really realize that there most likely wasn't going to be anything after the war, and that they were all going to die without the krogan. however, they had dealt with krogan in the past, and i guess felt they would take out the rest of the galaxy after the war. does what i'm saying make any sense?
i'm lucky enough to not have gotten askbox hate yet. probably because im not actually popular enough to get askbox hate, haha. i'm gonna presume that's why you turned anon off?
and that's cool! if it's ok, can i message you? or you can message me, either way, but it's kinda getting cluttered in this reply section. not unreadbale, just a loooot of replies.
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