Mass Effect Kink Meme: PART XXIV

Jun 10, 2015 21:27

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[Fill] Suck it up, Cheerleader (19/?) anonymous October 22 2015, 19:27:37 UTC
Chapter 7

Miranda wouldn't have pegged Kasumi for a masochist. It was getting to be an inconvenience. She wanted to know what Kasumi was doing here and how long they might need to hold out before a rescue party might come looking. She got her chance on the third day since Kasumi's arrival.

“Hey there,” said Kasumi to Brains. “Any chance we can try without the gag today? Not that it's not fun. Hey, if I'm not quiet, you can always stuff it back in, right, big guy?”

Brains left the gag off but within easy reach. “Just let me get through the first one,” she said to Miranda, “then I'm all yours.”

Miranda watched as Kasumi hyperventilated briefly through pursed lips, then held her breath as the machines came to life and the needles went in. She gritted her teeth and screwed her eyes shut, and was admirably taciturn while her body jerked and twitched to the rhythm of her near-instantaneous climax.

“Hoo-boy,” said Kasumi, unclenching everything as she came down. “Hi Miranda, hi Jack. Hey, Kelly. Looking good, you guys.”

“Stop clowning around, Kasumi,” said Miranda. “What the hell are you doing here?”

“I'll give you the short version,” replied Kasumi. “Since you guys seem impatient. Hey, it's not like we're going anywhere!”

None of them would dignify that with a response.

“Tough crowd,” said Kasumi, sighing. “OK, well. You know I steal stuff from rich people, right?”

The other women nodded.

“So naturally, I keep an eye on what rich people buy. What they like. There are some strange mother-lovers out there, I'm telling you. This one elcor, he has these volus who dress up like birds and...”

“Kasumi,” Miranda interrupted, using her best stare.

“Right. Sorry. Uh, one second here.” They waited while she did her breathing and clenching routine again. “As I was saying. Rich jerks. There's a sort of market, for people who want things, or for people to sell special things.”

“A black market?” asked Miranda.

“The most exclusive one you never heard of,” said Kasumi. “Don't bother knocking unless you own a small planet, basically.”

“But you have a backdoor into it,” said Miranda, trying to skip ahead.

“Hey, galaxy's greatest thief here. Got to know what's worth stealing. So one day I saw a hot new product. Little video attached.” Kasumi's breathing was getting more laboured as her sentences grew more clipped. “Uh. Excuse. Please.” Sweat gathered on her brow as she was driven to orgasm again.

“Isn't this the best thing ever?” she asked dreamily, before collecting herself. “Oh, hey, sorry about that. OK. The video. Miranda. The boobs. The milk. You know all about that. Outrageous prices, but you know about rich people and the price of milk, am I right?”

They let that one fall flat on it's face, too.

“So I tried to hack my way back to the source. No luck. They're too good at hiding,” Kasumi continued. “Then I got sneaky. I pretended to be a buyer. Um. You guys might not want to hear this...”

“Fuck!” said Jack. “Spit it out already, you crazy bitch!” She'd been tetchy since her milk had started flowing. The pain had faded to a dull insistent throbbing as the needles stimulated her, but tears of shame still collected at the corners of her eyes as each session progressed. She kept her chin raised haughtily to avoid seeing what was being done to her.

Kasumi had to take a few deep breaths before replying. When she did, her words ran together. “Milk's-not-the-only-thing-they're-selling. Oh god. Big guy? Over here. Yeah. Hurry it up, would ya?”

Brains looked less than delighted at being ordered about, but moved pretty quickly once Kasumi started letting out primal noises. He shoved the gag into her mouth roughly and it looked to Miranda as if she smiled gratefully around it just before screwing her eyes shut. She started jerking her hips back and forth as much as she could, working the dildo deeper inside. She didn't open her eyes again for the rest of the session.


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