Mass Effect Kink Meme: PART XXIV

Jun 10, 2015 21:27

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[Fill] Suck it up, Cheerleader (13/?) anonymous October 18 2015, 14:59:23 UTC
“A trap?” asked Miranda.

“You bet your ass,” replied Jack. “I go into the bar where we're supposed to meet, and five turian scumbags jump me. I mess them up good, then find my helpful informant and beat some answers out of him.

“He tells me they were hired to take me down, he doesn't know anything else, they're supposed to take me alive and hand me over yadda yadda yadda, the usual bullshit.”

“So what did you do?” Miranda said.

“Well, duh, I went to climb up the foodchain. I show up at the rendezvous with a shotgun and a bag of grenades, but there's nobody there. I poke around for a while, and then the door shuts behind me. Before I can blast it open, the whole place goes clunk. I know that feeling. It turns out I'm in a cargo hold; it looks just like the rest of Omega, with gang signs and shit all over. But now we're out in space and I read vacuum on the other side of the door, and I'm totally fucked. I guess they gassed me pretty quick because then I woke up here.”

Miranda turned this over in her head for a while. “They knew you,” she concluded. “They figured you'd be too smart to fall for the first trap. They let you come to them instead.”

“I must be going soft,” said Jack. “That shit is obvious.”

“Hindsight is 20/20, Jack,” said Kelly. “It wasn't your fault.”

Jack fixed Kelly with a vicious look. Kelly shrank away from her and fell silent. “So, how're we getting out of this?” she asked Miranda.

“I'm working on it, Jack,” she said. “I'll figure something out.”

“And how long is that going to take?” asked Jack, a note of panic in her voice.

Miranda knelt in front of Jack's cot again, and took her hands. “Be strong, my love,” she said, and Jack's cheeks coloured. Miranda had never used those words in anybody else's presence. “It's just pain. It doesn't mean anything. They can't make you like it.”

“But...” Jack began.

“Just don't fight it,” said Miranda. “I'm begging you. They'll just make it worse. I need you to be strong.”

“Alright, goddamn it!” said Jack, acquiescing in her usual fashion. “I'll do it. You better just hurry it up. Don't be looking for answers if we can just blow shit up and get away, OK?”

“I promise,” said Miranda, sitting down next to Jack on the bunk and putting an arm around her. “I missed you, too.”

Jack slouched into the warmth of Miranda's arm, feeling the heat of her massive side-boob. She glanced self-consciously over at Kelly, who was looking very deliberately away, but who wasn't able to keep the quaver out of her lip or the look of loss from her face.

“Oh, goddamn it, Chambers,” sighed Jack. “Get over here.”

Kelly's face lit up as she rapidly blinked back her tears. “Thank you, Jack,” she said as she joined them, snuggling up to maximise the contact area between her and Jack's scrawny frame.

Sandwiched between two pairs of oversized fun-bags, Jack was subdued. She could barely rouse herself to the accusation: “You guys... you guys are leaking on me, aren't you?”


RE: [Fill] Suck it up, Cheerleader (13/?) anonymous October 18 2015, 18:50:39 UTC
Another great chapter! Thanks so much! I can't wait to see what happens. Is anyone else going to be showing up? Also I'm still fuzzy on why they grabbed Kelly. Was that explained already?


Re: [Fill] Suck it up, Cheerleader (13/?) anonymous October 18 2015, 19:06:04 UTC
Hey thanks! Glad it's still hitting the spot. This is probably the most ambitious fic I've tried to write (i.e. greatest plot to porn ratio yet), so by all means, let loose with the con-crit if there's somewhere I can do better.

I guess I glossed over what Kelly's doing there, I figured she was on the run from Cerberus with Miranda and got scooped up at the same time. That was mentioned briefly in chapter 2. Why they were hanging together? I'll work that in later if I can.

As for how it continues, this fic is currently under construction, and I will absolutely not be ruining any of the surprises in case I can figure out even bigger ones. Although there will be more graphic descriptions of bondage, torture and milking to come. With any luck.

Hope everything's still in order at your end. Updates in a couple of days, I hope.


RE: Re: [Fill] Suck it up, Cheerleader (13/?) anonymous October 19 2015, 11:55:07 UTC
Ooh, I'm looking forward to it! And I don't really have any concrit, although I much prefer Jack and Miranda snarking at each other rather than using pet names like "my love" lol. Nothing wrong with it, I just love the pairing exactly because when they get each other alone they still fight and call each other mean names, e.g. the Citadel party. But that's purely a personal preference haha.

On my end, I'm still pumping 6-8 times a day and taking a ton of pills! This process gets expensive fast. No milk yet, but it'll probably be another two weeks until that happens since I've never lactated before. I'm getting super antsy about it, too. My nipples itch like crazy.


Re: Re: [Fill] Suck it up, Cheerleader (13/?) anonymous October 19 2015, 18:50:50 UTC
My own personal headcanon is that their snark is reserved for the good times, but when shit gets serious they go all gooey. But I shall be as accommodating as I can... :)

Two more weeks! You're more than half-way, then? Fingers crossed, that is.

Another chunk coming your way momentarily.


Re: [Fill] Suck it up, Cheerleader (13/?) anonymous October 19 2015, 19:08:06 UTC
Hopefully a bit over halfway. It'll be 4 weeks on Thursday, and most first-timers seem to notice drops during week 5. I'm crossing my fingers too. Come on, boobs! I believe in you!


Re: [Fill] Suck it up, Cheerleader (13/?) anonymous October 19 2015, 19:12:19 UTC
I, uh... have total faith in your boobs, too!

Wow. It is fun to say weird shit on the internet.


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