Mass Effect Kink Meme: PART XXIV

Jun 10, 2015 21:27

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Wrestlemania (Minifill) anonymous July 15 2015, 05:18:49 UTC
A/N: So, not quite what you were asking for, OP, sorry about that, but a friend of mine and I were chatting, and we somehow ended up bouncing around ideas about this prompt and making each other laugh. So I took what he gave me, mashed it together with my own stuff, and came up with this. Hope it at least makes you chuckle.


No one knew where it came from.

The findings of the after-action report were that, in all likelihood, it was probably Vega's fault. But however it got there, Jack and Ashley ended up in it.

Miranda was too aloof to get involved in the whole mess. At least until Jack used her biotics to haul her in.

Tali watched from the sidelines. Liara did, too. The asari seemed completely confused about the whole business, muttering about the weird things humans did for fun. The quarian nodded, as if she agreed with that assessment. Secretly, the temperature in her suit had gone up by like a thousand degrees.

Wrex cheered. Wrestling in oil was apparently a huge sport on Tuchanka. Almost as popular as murdering each other and chomping the heads off live varren. Mordin explained it to a bewildered Steve Cortez: there wasn't a whole lot to do on Tuchanka. Krogan had to make their own fun.

At some point during the “match,” Kelly Chambers had donned a halter top and miniskirt. She paced back and forth holding up placards indicating what round the fight was up to. Her clothes had disappeared by Round 3.

The most likely culprit for the theft was a drunken Japanese woman who was later found in possession of two dozen towels purloined from ship's laundry, and a stolen hot-pink thong that was never claimed. She continues to assert her innocence.

Doctor Chakwas, who had been content to sit in her office, relaxing with a good book, found herself poking her head out into the corridor to see what all the ruckus was about. She took one look at the proceedings and promptly returned to her desk where she set about slamming her face into the synthetic wood until she opened a cut above her left eye. Operating a dermal regenerator while mildly concussed proved to be too much for her to handle. But she's been told the scar makes her look quite rakish.

Gabby Daniels found the whole thing utterly distasteful and was extremely vocal in expressing her disdain. Ken Donnelly, as expected, thought the idea of Ashley Williams, Miranda Lawson and Jacqueline Nought slicked up with baby oil and grappling with each other to be the best thing sentient life had invented since Extranet pornography. They argued. Loudly. And were later found in a maintenance closet with their hands down each others' pants.

As for Extranet pornography, recognizing the momentous pile of credits that could be had if he just showed the right entrepreneurial spirit, Joker shanghaied EDI into helping him tap into the ship's surveillance feeds. Six minutes after his pay site went online, he'd earned enough to purchase and retire to his very own planet. Four minutes after that, EDI became the first AI in the history of the Citadel races to own a robot army.

Of the trillions of beings tuned into Joker's site, Samantha Traynor had probably been the first to connect. When asked later why she hadn't simply attended the live showing, she explained that she'd been far too busy saving the streaming broadcast to every single piece of removable storage media she could lay her hands upon. “For future reference, you understand.”

Traynor wasn't the only member of the ship's crew to miss out on the exhibition.

Garrus didn't see any of it. He was calibrating something.

Meanwhile, Samara, Javik and Zaeed engaged in an extremely candid conversation about Miranda's breasts.

“You mean them tits aren't real? That's a goddamn travesty!”


Shepard reported back aboard ship hours after all had been said and done and the mess had been cleaned up, only to find Campbell and Westmoreland grousing about having missed all the fun. The two sentries had apparently been stuck at their posts the entire time.

And yet, as he walked past them and into the CIC, he swore he heard one whispering to the other, asking if she, too, had somehow ended up with an oil-soaked bra in her pocket.


Re: Wrestlemania (Minifill) anonymous July 15 2015, 12:45:31 UTC
Other half of the author team here hoping you enjoy reading this OP as much as I enjoying playing a part in it.


Re: Wrestlemania (Minifill) anonymous July 15 2015, 13:21:20 UTC
Not the OP, but this was actually brilliant! I love that Jack pulled Miranda into the fight and then Samara, Zaeed, and Javik were keeping a running commentary on Miranda's breasts. Also: EDI, Joker, and Samantha. Thank you for a fun fill!


Re: Wrestlemania (Minifill) anonymous July 15 2015, 17:19:32 UTC
I also found this delightful. Made me giggle. In my head it was narrated by Morgan Freeman.


Re: Wrestlemania (Minifill) anonymous July 15 2015, 20:08:28 UTC
OMG - rereading it Morgan Freeman's voice makes it so much funnier!


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