Mass Effect Kink Meme: PART XXII

Jun 23, 2014 13:30

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The human rebellions 21 anonymous July 29 2014, 20:47:32 UTC
Before Jack could say another word, Shepard finally intervened, dragging her friend and commander further away.

“Well you heard it. What do you want to do with her?” Shepard asked, almost fearing the answer.

“What do you think?” Jack replied, keeping her eyes fixed on Lya even as she spoke. “Even if she wasn’t a superior asari bitch, we still couldn’t allow her to give information about us to the authorities.”

Shepard saw Jack’s hand move to her sidearm.

“Wait!” she tucked on her hand. Jack gave her a suspicious glance.

“Not in here, let me take her outside… I can hide the body in the forest. With any luck, they won’t investigate disappearance as much as they would a murder” Shepard offered.

Jack considered Shepard’s words before she nodded. “Be quick and be careful” she told her and Shepard nodded back.

Shepard moved back to Lya, helping the asari rise from her chair.

“Let’s go Lya, it is time for you to leave” Shepard said in calm voice.

The asari looked them in the eyes, some unspoken understanding perhaps passing between the three of them before she wordlessly obeyed.

“I am sorry…” she simply said to Jack even as Shepard led her out of the room.


When Shepard returned to her team, she had a solemn expression.

“It’s done” she said at Jack’s questioning stare.

Jack smiled. “It had to be done. I knew you wouldn’t let us down, Adriana… come on, let’s wrap it up in here” Jack said and turned back to the data mining team.

She didn’t see the shadow of guilt momentarily passing over Shepard’s face.


Re: The human rebellions 21 anonymous July 29 2014, 20:51:03 UTC

We are finally getting to the second half of the story. Please tell me what you think so far :-)


Re: The human rebellions 21 anonymous July 30 2014, 11:50:57 UTC
A!A, the story is amazing, though i was hoping that Shepard would kill the asari, she's a part of cerberus after all.

Anyway, hope to see more soon.


Re: The human rebellions 21 anonymous July 30 2014, 13:09:18 UTC
Thank you! I hope to finish this soon :-)

Also... who's saying that she didn't kill her? :-)


Re: The human rebellions 21 anonymous July 30 2014, 20:27:56 UTC
Don't know, call it intuition)


Re: The human rebellions 21 anonymous July 30 2014, 23:51:02 UTC
Yeah, I don't think she killed her either. She definitely should have... but I have an idea it's an excuse for smut later, which I heartily approve of :D


Re: The human rebellions 21 anonymous July 31 2014, 00:26:32 UTC
I'm with you, I'm actually starting to wonder if Shepard isn't a double agent :)

Also it's a bit weird with the going back and forth. Have the Asari helped in any tangible way or not? It's really hard to tell because one place it's stated that crime is almost non-existent but women still have to worry about walking about after dark?


Re: The human rebellions 21 anonymous July 31 2014, 07:16:22 UTC
A!A. Thank you all for your comments!

>but I have an idea it's an excuse for smut later

Yeah, the present lack of smut in this story is something that concerns me a little. It's just hard to put in these settings and still have the story pacing... There WILL be some smut later as you said and at the end though :-)

>Have the Asari helped in any tangible way or not?

Criminality is the result of human ambitions being infinite and their needs being unsatisfied. Asari curtailed human ambitions and helped them provide the needs... so the rational crime is almost non-existent. Of course, there are still crimes of passion... also, there are always people for whom being criminal is just lifestyle :-)

I think the duality feel in the story is because it is being told from the point of view of malcontents like Shepard and other Cerberus members...

Thank you for your question! I will address this some more.


Re: The human rebellions 21 anonymous July 31 2014, 11:36:01 UTC
A!A, should we expect more familiar faces, like Liara, Aria, maybe Aethyta and Benezia? And I've got really weird idea, that two asari in the chapter 7 is Aethyta and Benezia? :D


Re: The human rebellions 21 anonymous July 31 2014, 13:19:11 UTC

>should we expect more familiar faces, like Liara, Aria, maybe Aethyta and Benezia

I think there will be two of those at least mentioned...

>two asari in the chapter 7 is Aethyta and Benezia

Sorry, but no :-) If they were, I suspect Shepard would not stand any chance at all... :-D


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