Mass Effect Kink Meme: PART XXII

Jun 23, 2014 13:30

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The human rebellions 3 anonymous July 12 2014, 16:13:10 UTC
Lidanya knew that deep down, Ashley considered humans fundamentally equal to the asari - a ridiculous notion to Lidanya's mind. She however also deeply cared for her people and knew very well that cooperation with the asari occupation authorities was in humanity's best interest for the perceivable future. That was why the asari allowed her to become member of the humanity's government when the people of Earth elected her into this role.

“Of course not, matriarch!” Ashley gasped in shock and watched Lidanya approach her.

Like majority of earth’s population, Ashley saw the many good things that the asari have done for her people. Wars, poverty, diseases and all other troubles of the old world were virtually eliminated. For the first time in the humanity’s existence, there was no need for suffering. As long as the humans let the asari gently guide them to their future.

There were those who resisted and would fight for what they saw as their personal freedom . They would fight the perceived slavery only to end up in the real one. The asari could not let them derail humanity’s destiny.

The matriarch stopped near her seat, towering over the human and studying her intently.

Ashley wanted her species to be free, it was true. But she was rational enough to see that their submission brought them more than it took away. Rather than fight for it with violence, she would see humans get their freedom by proving themselves to the asari. By being partners and friends worthy of respect.

“Perhaps, we shall see...” the Matriarch finally said and smirked.


Ashley obeyed without hesitation and knelt before her asari superior, much to Lidanya's pleasure.

After all, her grandfather spent decades like this... and while Ashley was not a slave, she was still a human and as such was expected to obey instructions from her asari betters.

Lidanya strongly believed in keeping family traditions... and she knew that Ashley harbored no ill feelings towards her regarding her grandfather’s enslavement. Lidanya could have easily enslaved his entire family, preventing Ashley from ever being born. But she didn’t and Ashley knew it.

The matriarch gently brushed her hair with her hands before she firmly grabbed the kneeling human by her temples.

“Look at me” Lidanya commanded and Ashley raised her head, looking straight into Lidanya's black eyes.

“Embrace eternity”

The matriarch entered her mind, encountering only minimal resistance from Ashley's mind. All humans in the position of authority were trained how instinctively NOT to resist asari mind probing.

Lidanya dag deeper, causing Ashley discomfort, but there was no way. Even though that she personally did not doubt her, she had to verify her loyalty.

When she was satisfied, she released the meld just as she released the human's head.

Ashley fell on her hands, panting as she recovered.

“I believe you, Ashley... you will continue with your actions against Cerberus as before” the asari eventually said.

“Yes, matriarch” Ashley acknowledged her order.

“Very well, you are dismissed” the matriarch said, offering her hand to the kneeling human.

Ashley knew very well that she did not mean to help her up and instead she kissed the offered hand in deference before standing up on her own power.

She made a deep bow to Lidanya and left the room.

After a while the matriarch walk back to her desk and settled down. Looking towards nothing in particular, she considered her options.

She knew that the Cerberus needed to be eliminated once and for all. Without it, the individual human resistance organizations would lose their cooperation and would become easy pickings for the asari.

On different level, the Cerberus also represented a dangerous idea - that asari were not superior to the humans. Some of its members went as far as to suggest that it was the other way around.

Lidanya frowned. This organization's ideals were incredibly damaging to the humanity. They were giving false hopes to the humans. They were preventing them from fully accepting their rightful place in history - as a subservient race under asari's gentle control.

The matriarch knew that unless they were crushed, there would be a full scale armed revolution on Earth within a decade or two. This could not be allowed.


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