Thanks to everyone who voted for and nominated stories, and congratulations to all our winners!
Full List of Nominees and Winners beneath the cut:
Best Het Story (non FemShep/Garrus) FIRST PRIZE:
Wine, Women and the Workplace, Lorik Qui’in/OFC
Just Another War Story, turian/human and
Turians Love Happy Endings, Pallin/OFC + Sparatus/OFC
Another Man's Child, FemShep/Wrex
Blueshift, FemShep/Kaidan
Dried Up, ManShep/f!turian
The High Cost of Perfection, ManShep/Miranda + Liara
How to Break a Hero, FemShep/Kaidan
I Heard..., Kaidan/Miranda
Love Cruise, Getting Some Tail, Ashley/Wrex
Negotiation, Garrus/Aria
Ohhh Nihlus…, Nihlus/OFCs
Please, Miss... Call Me Li, Lilihierax/asari
A Simple Exchange, FemShep/Lilihierax
Slow Dance, FemShep/Hackett
So Wrong, Yet So Right, MShep/FemShep
Stripper, FemShep/Kaidan
The Tide, FemShep/Kolyat
To Ourselves and Our Posterity, Sparatus + FemShep
Winter is Coming... So is Garrus, Ashley/Garrus
You Tell Me To Kiss A Turian, I'll Ask Which Cheek, Ashley/Garrus
Best Het Story (FemShep/Garrus) FIRST PRIZE:
Ghost, Ghost, I Know You Live Within Me, FemShep/Garrus
Glory of the Darkest Winds, FemShep/Garrus
All Up The Seething Coast, FemShep/Garrus
Based On a True Story, FemShep/Garrus
Breeders, FemShep/Garrus
Dare To Hope, FemShep/Garrus
Feral, FemShep/Garrus
Hardware Installation, FemShep/Garrus
Into the Woods, FemShep/Garrus
Mutant Miracle Baby, FemShep/Garrus
Nouveau Jeu, FemShep/Garrus
Spring Craving, FemShep/Garrus
Wax On, Wax Off , FemShep/Garrus
Best Slash Story FIRST PRIZE:
Almost Doesn't Count, Nihlus/Saren
A Change of Perspective, Sparatus/OC
Come Down From that Mountain, Nihlus/Saren
Running Hot, Nihlus/Saren
Strange Happenings, Nihlus/Saren
Best Femslash Story (non FemShep/Liara) FIRST PRIZE:
Played, Ashley/Miranda
Happy Asari Families Are All Alike, Traynor/asari
Letting Go, FemShep/Miranda
Red Sky At Night, Red Sky in the Morning, FemShep/Hannah Shepard
Regulations, Jack/Miranda
Best Femslash Story (FemShep/Liara) FIRST PRIZE:
Asari Nights, FemShep/Liara
Berries, FemShep/Liara and
We Shall Always Be You and I, FemShep/Liara
The Beginning of After, FemShep/Liara
Possession, FemShep/Liara
Best Threesome/Moresome Story FIRST PRIZE:
Slaves of Cerberus, FemShep/Liara/Brooks/Clone + various
Clean Only in Cipritine, FemShep/turians
Asari Nights, FemShep/Liara
Ashley Gangbanged in a Casino, Ashley/various
Cockslut Nihlus, Nihlus/C-Sec
Discovered, F!human/m!Turians
Home Sweet Home, FemShep/Garrus/Nihlus/Saren
House of Three, MShep/Ashley/Miranda
Syrup and Honey, FemShep/Ashley/Kaidan
Best Non-Sexual/Non-Romance Story FIRST PRIZE:
Green Eyes and Brown Hair, Garrus + Kaidan
A Fair Fight, ManShep + Kai Leng and
I Heard..., Kaidan + Miranda
The Mutiny, FemShep + Ashley
Sad Man Behind Blue Eyes, Garrus + Kaidan
Stranger Brother, Javik + awakened collector
To Ourselves and Our Posterity, Sparatus + FemShep
Best Humor Story FIRST PRIZE:
Never Piss Off Old Gypsy Women, f!Saren
Miranda the Terrible Seductress, ManShep/Miranda
Answering Machine, FemShep/Liara
Based On a True Story, FemShep/Garrus
Birdly Biology, FemShep/Garrus
Citadel Shenanigans, Saren + Nihlus
I Am Not Screwing Garrus, ManShep/Garrus
Let It All Hang Out, ManShep
Naught is Perfect, an Extranet Advice Column, Jack/Miranda + various
Oblivious, Garrus
On Otherworldly Posteriors, Ashley + aliens
Parental Privileges, reaper!ManShep/Liara
Procedure, FemShep/Kaidan
Shepard and the Great Betting Pool, FemShep + crew
To Miranda, With Love, ManShep/Miranda
TURIANS?!, FemShep/turians
Unsuited, Nihlus/Saren
We Are Here to Kick Ass and Form Consensus, ManShep/Ashley + geth
Most Emotionally Touching Story FIRST PRIZE:
The High Cost of Perfection, ManShep/Miranda + Liara
Ugly Like a Turian, FemShep/Garrus
The Brink, Hannah Shepard/Sparatus
The De-Ager, FemShep/Liara
Dinosaurs, Garrus + Grunt + Wrex
Ghost, Ghost, I Know You Live Within Me, FemShep/Garrus
How to Break a Hero, FemShep/Kaidan
The Impossibility of Being Human, David Archer/asari
Mirror, FemShep/Kaidan
Not Calling You A Liar, Ashley/Garrus
Refuge of the Incompetent, FemShep/Garrus
Stranger Brother, Javik + awakened collector
Tears That Touched the Earth, ManShep
Therum, FemShep/Liara
The Walking Wounded, Ashley
A Valediction, FemShep/Garrus
Best Story Without Shepard as a Main Character FIRST PRIZE:
Played, Ashley/Miranda
Just Another War Story, turian/human
Kelly's Last Nerve, Kelly
Organic-Synthetic Relations, Legion/Miranda
The Only One, Vega
Sleeping, Kaidan/Tali
Refuge of the Incompetent, FemShep/Garrus
Best Minifill/Drabble FIRST PRIZE:
To Miranda, With Love, ManShep/Miranda
Final Offer, Mordin,
Hunger, FemShep/Garrus and
Morning News, FemShep/Garrus
Answering Machine, FemShep/Liara
Birth of a Reaper, reaper
Dinosaurs, Garrus + Grunt + Wrex
I Am Not Screwing Garrus, ManShep/Garrus
Naught is Perfect, an Extranet Advice Column, Jack/Miranda + various
Parental Privileges, reaper!ManShep/Liara
The Secret Life of a Citadel Housewife, FemShep/Garrus
Best Prompt (Filled or Unfilled) FIRST PRIZE (TIE):
Long Lost Kid, FemShep/Garrus and
Samara visits 16th Century EnglandSECOND PRIZE:
Aethyta is a Hanar Legend -
Our Two Years, FemShep/Garrus
Time Travel PLUS Dimension Swap-
Split Personalities, FemShep/Garrus