Re: FemShep/Mordin - Fragile 3.5/?
December 5 2012, 14:10:10 UTC
He stripped off his coat as he returned back to the cargo area. He tucked it carefully around the pilot, perhaps it would help him hold on long enough for a rescue. Moving to Shepard’s side he pulled up her arm with the omni-tool and began running diagnostics on her armor. He needed to know how long her suit would be able to maintain her temperature inside the cooling vehicle.
“Please tell me you aren’t searching for my secret porn stash.” Shepard groggily asked.
“What? NO! Needed to see status of your equipment,” Mordin exclaimed.
A weak laugh from her made him realize she had been teasing him. His fingers found where he had stashed the ration bars earlier and he pressed the lot of them into her hands.
“Eat, all of them.”
Jane weakly pushed against the floor trying to force her body erect. Before she could quite master that maneuver, Mordin’s strong arms were around her and with his help she managed to get into one of the troop seats. The ration bars had fallen from her grasp during her transition to the seat but she never even got the chance to say anything before they were pushed back into her hand.
Numbly she looked down at the small pile.
“Mordin, these are all the rations aren’t they?”
“Yes. Now eat.”
“But I know salarians have to eat frequently as well. You should have some of them.”
“No. Biotics require more calories than we currently have. Who is the doctor here?” He asked, one long finger poked in her direction.
Jane ripped open the first one and took a bite. It tasted like old cardboard but it would at least give her body the calories it needed. One of the bottles of water, already opened, was next put in her hands.
She gave Mordin a weak smile, “Thanks. How long was I out?”
“Twenty-five minutes. Legion is attempting to find parts to get the radio working.”
“The pilot?” Shepard asked, her voice soft.
“Dieing. Made him as comfortable as I could,” Mordin replied sadly.
“How long does he have?”
“Few hours at most,” Mordin replied with a sigh.
Jane hesitantly patted at Mordin’s shoulder, not really sure if salarians did such things. “It’s okay, you did what you could for him.”
“My fault Shepard,” Mordin declared.
“Bullshit Mordin, don’t think you set this trap for us. Remind me to have a ‘chat’ with Miranda when we get back. I can’t believe she would let the shuttle be maintained like this,” Jane waved her hand about angrily.
“I failed you, Commander,” Mordin replied getting to his feet. He paced about the small space. “Should have checked you before the fight. Would have seen implant was not operating at full capacity. Could have stopped you.”
“Whoa, whoa there Mordin,” Jane interjected. “We had three trucks coming at us. I wouldn’t have done anything differently. We needed to take them out as quickly as possible if there was any hope of saving our pilot. I’m in charge, it’s my ass that is responsible for everyone.”
Her voice sounded different somehow, fragile and unsure and he began to see that the weight of the galaxy was wearing on her. He stopped mid-stride to glance over where Shepard sat, eyes closed and head resting against the wall of the shuttle. Just as the weight of the genophage had begun to pull him under, the much larger danger of the Reapers was her’s to bear.
He slipped into the seat next to her. Mimicking her earlier gesture of compassion to him, he reached out and gently patted her leg. “Not alone Shepard. Crew, believe you and follow you. Together we will stop them.”
The last mouthful of the bar was shoved in her mouth before her hand dropped down to cover his.
Re: FemShep/Mordin - Fragile 4/?
December 11 2012, 18:38:09 UTC
She chewed the last bite slowly and carefully swallowed it down. But it eased the pounding in her head only a little. She bit back a groan when her head rolled back against the hull of the ship. She shifted trying to find a more comfortable position when deliciously warm and gentle fingers massaged her temples easing some of the tension from her body. It was all she could do not to make a bigger fool of herself by moaning and pressing against those heavenly fingers.
“Need to relax. No pain medication available, tightening muscles only makes more pain.”
“Don’t mind me, I’ll just turn into a puddle over here. Bad guys show up and it’s your fault that I can’t fight back.”
His gentle laugh warmed the silence of the ship. If she scooted just a little bit closer to him, surely it was only to make it easier for him to maintain the connection between his hands and her skull. Mordin cocked his head at her in confusion when a soft laugh escaped her.
“Ticklish here?”
“No, just thinking that as shitty as the situation is now it could have been worse.”
“Laughter seems an unusual response to that.”
“I was thinking that rather than having a doctor and a geth with me. I could have been trapped here with Miranda and Jack.”
Jane opened her eyes at his snort to find Mordin’s face crinkling in amusement.
“That would uh, be problematic.”
“Having those two in the same star system is problematic, same ship, that’s just suicide.”
“Excellent choices for a suicide mission then!”
Jane laughed and then groaned at the pain it caused. “Ugh, don’t make me laugh Mordin.”
“Sorry Shepard. Will try to keep levity to a bare minimum.”
Jane just smiled as his fingers never stopped the gentle caress of her temples and when he began to hum, it shouldn’t have surprised her that sleep claimed her. Mordin took that opportunity to closely study her while she rested. The horrible scarring she had when they had first met had faded and in sleep she looked much younger than should have been possible for such an accomplished soldier. Another reminder that she would hopefully have many years before her while he, at most, would only have a few. It was to late to ponder what might have been.
He slowed and eventually pulled his fingers away from her. He waited a moment and when she failed to awaken he slipped from his seat. A quick check of the pilot revealed the man still lived, thankfully still unconscious. Unable to do but the most rudimentary things for his patients irked him to no end. He had worked before with limited supplies but this time he had none. Tracking the length of Legion’s absence only irritated him more, he couldn’t even pace for fear of disturbing those he was supposed to be caring for. Nothing more for him to do but wait.
He eased back into the seat next to Shepard hoping to pass the time more quickly by sleeping. Shepard stirred slightly and he held his breath waiting to see if she would wake. His hands moved of their own accord preparing to ease her passage back into sleep when instead her head found a place to rest on his shoulder. Her warm breath tickled the side of his neck but oddly, it wasn’t unpleasant. Leaning his head against hers, he found that her hair made a rather soft and pleasing pillow for him. His last thought before he fell asleep was trying to place what the pleasant scent of her her was.
Re: FemShep/Mordin - Fragile 4.5/?
December 11 2012, 18:40:31 UTC
Thirty minutes later, Mordin’s eyes opened when his omni-tool vibrated an incoming message. The emergency lights barely illuminated the inside of the shuttle but he could see enough that Jane was still asleep and that the pilot still breathed. He didn’t want to disturb either of them but the transmission could be good news from Legion.
“Legion, ETA on arrival of rescue?” Mordin blurted out as quietly as he could.
“No data available. These vehicles were insufficient for our needs. We are currently en route to their ship. Will appropriate it for our use. We will update further.”
Shepard leaned off his shoulder to murmur into his omni-tool, “Legion, don’t take any chances. Come and get us if it looks to be to many guarding it. Understood?”
“Acknowledged Shepard-Commander. We were unaware you were mobile.”
“She isn’t, but I am. I will provide backup if needed,” Mordin interrupted.
Mordin shut off the call and found Shepard narrowing her eyes at him.
“No arguments. One small nap will not restore you to full capability. How are you feeling though?”
“Better but if he needs our help, I need to go.”
“Shepard, unacceptable to expose you to another gun fight,” Mordin stated, his hand shaking at her in his agitation.
It might have been funny if he wasn’t so serious.
“Mordin,” Shepard started to say.
“Doctor, my job to preserve lives. Brain damage possible consequence if you use your biotics before your implant has been replaced, that is an unacceptable risk.”
“Crap that bad?”
“Yes, scan showed it was damaged and not working properly. Cerberus design so unsure of exact parameters but with others I have worked with catastrophic failure has resulted in brain damage and even death.”
“Alright then, I promise my biotics are the absolute last resort. That do?”
“Acceptable. Shepard, Legion is a highly capable synthetic, infiltrated the inactive reaper solo, a few mercs should hardly be a problem.”
“Yeah but it’s hard waiting. I had you figured for being twitchy without any experiments to do.”
“Keep self busy by going over all possible results of the tests currently running back on the Normandy. Can share if you would like?”
Jane gave a soft laugh, “I think it would take you longer to explain everything to me, but thanks for the offer. I, uh, hope I didn’t break some salarian protocol when I fell asleep on your shoulder.”
“Yes, wanted to discuss that with you. Totally inappropriate, part of sacred mating ritual. You will have to dance naked around the shuttle three times in order to appease our gods.”
Jane chuckled, “Now I know you’re having me on. But that was a good one Mordin.”
Re: FemShep/Mordin - Fragile 4.5/?
December 11 2012, 19:26:13 UTC
OP here:
Hahaha, I loved this:
“Yes, wanted to discuss that with you. Totally inappropriate, part of sacred mating ritual. You will have to dance naked around the shuttle three times in order to appease our gods.”
Re: FemShep/Mordin - Fragile 5/?
December 16 2012, 13:42:05 UTC
A comfortable silence settled between them in the gloom of the shuttle. Shepard’s gaze fell on their pilot, she watched the slow rise and fall of his chest several times before it dawned on her that Mordin’s trademark coat was carefully wrapped around him.
“Hey Mordin, aren’t you cold without your coat?”
“Hmm, oh, my armor has climate control just like yours. Jacket is merely comfortable, and useful. Least I could do for him.”
“Oh, I always thought your coat was your armor.”
“Misconception useful for me. Opponents think they have an advantage when they see me not wearing it, fatal error for them.”
Jane chuckled, “Yeah I remember hearing about the Blue Suns who tried to squeeze you for protection money. I assume they didn’t try that a second time.”
Mordin grinned, “Correct, apparently smarter than they appeared to be.”
“Ok, I have to ask. You said you once used farm equipment to kill. What sort of situation does that happen in?”
“The kind where you use a tractor to push over a shed harboring vorcha. Nasty things. May I ask a question now?”
“Sure, might as well. Passes the time.”
“Agreed. Akuze, how did you survive?”
“Thresher maws,” Jane said with a shiver, “god how I hate them. How did I survive? Would you believe a fondness of old Earth horror vids?”
Jane laughed at his confusion. “My brother and I loved watching horror vids. We came across this one called Tremors and it featured these huge creatures that could like swim underground, much like the maws do. They pop out of the dirt but can’t tunnel through hard rock so if you got to bedrock you were safe.”
“Wait! Humans had seen maws before intergalactic travel? Possible to use this movie as training vid?”
“No, nothing like that. Just some eerie similarities. Although the creatures in the vid had these tentacle like things to grab with instead of poison. But anyway, I used that tactic, I ran for a nearby group of boulders. My fellow soldiers panicked and were killed by the maws. I yelled at them to follow me, but none did,” her voice had gotten softer as she had talked.
“Sorry Shepard, did not mean to upset you.”
“It’s okay, I wasn’t the commanding officer so they followed him instead. Me, I kept moving using any large rock outcropping as a safe spot. Of course, I had to watch out for their poison as well. During my hunt with Saren I ran into more of the wretched things and we found we could stop the Mako and even make repairs on it if we were on bedrock.”
“Yes, well known fact now. Fascinating that humans imagined such a thing. How did they kill them in your vid? Heavy artillery?”
Jane laughed a bit, “No, it was a small town in a remote area, they tried shooting them with limited success. Mostly it was them using the terrain to their advantage.”
“Interesting, must watch this for myself.”
“Mordin, I doubt you will find much of value from it. It’s a cheesy vid, highly amusing when you are a teenager though.”
“Will assess it for my self when we return to the Normandy. Must look further into this area, perhaps other things of use to be found.”
Jane grinned at the thought of the serious Mordin watching old Earth vids for research. Datapad gripped tight in his hand, taking notes furiously, analyzing every last bit of the cheesiest of old horror vids.
“Well if you are that dead set on putting yourself through that, the least that I can do is give you a list of those that I watched to start with. But I take no responsibility for anything you see.”
“Excellent Shepard! Look forward to examining them. Perhaps research other races horror vids for similar correlations, fascinating. Can’t wait.”
“We still have to get through the Omega-4 relay and back again.”
“Yes, but will need a new project when we return. This one will do nicely.”
Re: FemShep/Mordin - Fragile 5.5/?
December 16 2012, 13:44:20 UTC
“Glad to see you are optimistic about this mission. Cerberus just likes to remind me that in all probability this will be a one way trip.”
“Salarians are aware that our lifespan is greatly reduced compared to the rest of the galaxy. Take a pragmatic approach, death is expected so make the most of what we have.”
“Believe me I get that. Uh, that was kind of why I hit on you. Death took me once. Never know when it will come looking for me again.”
“Understand. Though flattered, surely younger, more suitable candidates on board the Normandy?”
“Not the point, Mordin. I confess I have a fondness for guys who can string two coherent sentences together, granted you can do it at an unparalleled rate compared to most.”
Mordin twisted in his seat to take a closer look at Shepard. Her eyes followed his movement, he guessed she was trying to gauge his reaction to her confession. Interesting, he would have to study this further. Perhaps he had made a false assumption that she was just interested in trying out salarian, any salarian. It was well known fact that salarians were hard to tempt into a relationship and perhaps his people had perpetuated the belief that they had virtually no sex drive to keep other species interest down. But this, this he had never considered that she might have been attracted to him for himself.
He smiled at her compliment but his reply interrupted by the ping of his omni-tool.
“We are en route, fifteen minutes out. Normandy has been notified of the situation and is waiting outside the planets thermosphere for our arrival.”
“Excellent Legion! We will prepare for your arrival.”
Shepard’s laughter brought his attention back to her before she enveloped him in a hug. A human gesture, but one he happily returned.
“Please tell me you aren’t searching for my secret porn stash.” Shepard groggily asked.
“What? NO! Needed to see status of your equipment,” Mordin exclaimed.
A weak laugh from her made him realize she had been teasing him. His fingers found where he had stashed the ration bars earlier and he pressed the lot of them into her hands.
“Eat, all of them.”
Jane weakly pushed against the floor trying to force her body erect. Before she could quite master that maneuver, Mordin’s strong arms were around her and with his help she managed to get into one of the troop seats. The ration bars had fallen from her grasp during her transition to the seat but she never even got the chance to say anything before they were pushed back into her hand.
Numbly she looked down at the small pile.
“Mordin, these are all the rations aren’t they?”
“Yes. Now eat.”
“But I know salarians have to eat frequently as well. You should have some of them.”
“No. Biotics require more calories than we currently have. Who is the doctor here?” He asked, one long finger poked in her direction.
Jane ripped open the first one and took a bite. It tasted like old cardboard but it would at least give her body the calories it needed. One of the bottles of water, already opened, was next put in her hands.
She gave Mordin a weak smile, “Thanks. How long was I out?”
“Twenty-five minutes. Legion is attempting to find parts to get the radio working.”
“The pilot?” Shepard asked, her voice soft.
“Dieing. Made him as comfortable as I could,” Mordin replied sadly.
“How long does he have?”
“Few hours at most,” Mordin replied with a sigh.
Jane hesitantly patted at Mordin’s shoulder, not really sure if salarians did such things. “It’s okay, you did what you could for him.”
“My fault Shepard,” Mordin declared.
“Bullshit Mordin, don’t think you set this trap for us. Remind me to have a ‘chat’ with Miranda when we get back. I can’t believe she would let the shuttle be maintained like this,” Jane waved her hand about angrily.
“I failed you, Commander,” Mordin replied getting to his feet. He paced about the small space. “Should have checked you before the fight. Would have seen implant was not operating at full capacity. Could have stopped you.”
“Whoa, whoa there Mordin,” Jane interjected. “We had three trucks coming at us. I wouldn’t have done anything differently. We needed to take them out as quickly as possible if there was any hope of saving our pilot. I’m in charge, it’s my ass that is responsible for everyone.”
Her voice sounded different somehow, fragile and unsure and he began to see that the weight of the galaxy was wearing on her. He stopped mid-stride to glance over where Shepard sat, eyes closed and head resting against the wall of the shuttle. Just as the weight of the genophage had begun to pull him under, the much larger danger of the Reapers was her’s to bear.
He slipped into the seat next to her. Mimicking her earlier gesture of compassion to him, he reached out and gently patted her leg. “Not alone Shepard. Crew, believe you and follow you. Together we will stop them.”
The last mouthful of the bar was shoved in her mouth before her hand dropped down to cover his.
“Thanks Mordin. I appreciate that.”
“Please tell me you aren’t searching for my secret porn stash.” Shepard groggily asked.
Hahaha! You always manage to put something funny in, and I love it. :D
I also like Mordin taking charge, and that part where Legion picked her up and took her to the shuttle - aww! :)
Can't wait to see what happens next!
“Need to relax. No pain medication available, tightening muscles only makes more pain.”
“Don’t mind me, I’ll just turn into a puddle over here. Bad guys show up and it’s your fault that I can’t fight back.”
His gentle laugh warmed the silence of the ship. If she scooted just a little bit closer to him, surely it was only to make it easier for him to maintain the connection between his hands and her skull. Mordin cocked his head at her in confusion when a soft laugh escaped her.
“Ticklish here?”
“No, just thinking that as shitty as the situation is now it could have been worse.”
“Laughter seems an unusual response to that.”
“I was thinking that rather than having a doctor and a geth with me. I could have been trapped here with Miranda and Jack.”
Jane opened her eyes at his snort to find Mordin’s face crinkling in amusement.
“That would uh, be problematic.”
“Having those two in the same star system is problematic, same ship, that’s just suicide.”
“Excellent choices for a suicide mission then!”
Jane laughed and then groaned at the pain it caused. “Ugh, don’t make me laugh Mordin.”
“Sorry Shepard. Will try to keep levity to a bare minimum.”
Jane just smiled as his fingers never stopped the gentle caress of her temples and when he began to hum, it shouldn’t have surprised her that sleep claimed her. Mordin took that opportunity to closely study her while she rested. The horrible scarring she had when they had first met had faded and in sleep she looked much younger than should have been possible for such an accomplished soldier. Another reminder that she would hopefully have many years before her while he, at most, would only have a few. It was to late to ponder what might have been.
He slowed and eventually pulled his fingers away from her. He waited a moment and when she failed to awaken he slipped from his seat. A quick check of the pilot revealed the man still lived, thankfully still unconscious. Unable to do but the most rudimentary things for his patients irked him to no end. He had worked before with limited supplies but this time he had none. Tracking the length of Legion’s absence only irritated him more, he couldn’t even pace for fear of disturbing those he was supposed to be caring for. Nothing more for him to do but wait.
He eased back into the seat next to Shepard hoping to pass the time more quickly by sleeping. Shepard stirred slightly and he held his breath waiting to see if she would wake. His hands moved of their own accord preparing to ease her passage back into sleep when instead her head found a place to rest on his shoulder. Her warm breath tickled the side of his neck but oddly, it wasn’t unpleasant. Leaning his head against hers, he found that her hair made a rather soft and pleasing pillow for him. His last thought before he fell asleep was trying to place what the pleasant scent of her her was.
“Legion, ETA on arrival of rescue?” Mordin blurted out as quietly as he could.
“No data available. These vehicles were insufficient for our needs. We are currently en route to their ship. Will appropriate it for our use. We will update further.”
Shepard leaned off his shoulder to murmur into his omni-tool, “Legion, don’t take any chances. Come and get us if it looks to be to many guarding it. Understood?”
“Acknowledged Shepard-Commander. We were unaware you were mobile.”
“She isn’t, but I am. I will provide backup if needed,” Mordin interrupted.
Mordin shut off the call and found Shepard narrowing her eyes at him.
“No arguments. One small nap will not restore you to full capability. How are you feeling though?”
“Better but if he needs our help, I need to go.”
“Shepard, unacceptable to expose you to another gun fight,” Mordin stated, his hand shaking at her in his agitation.
It might have been funny if he wasn’t so serious.
“Mordin,” Shepard started to say.
“Doctor, my job to preserve lives. Brain damage possible consequence if you use your biotics before your implant has been replaced, that is an unacceptable risk.”
“Crap that bad?”
“Yes, scan showed it was damaged and not working properly. Cerberus design so unsure of exact parameters but with others I have worked with catastrophic failure has resulted in brain damage and even death.”
“Alright then, I promise my biotics are the absolute last resort. That do?”
“Acceptable. Shepard, Legion is a highly capable synthetic, infiltrated the inactive reaper solo, a few mercs should hardly be a problem.”
“Yeah but it’s hard waiting. I had you figured for being twitchy without any experiments to do.”
“Keep self busy by going over all possible results of the tests currently running back on the Normandy. Can share if you would like?”
Jane gave a soft laugh, “I think it would take you longer to explain everything to me, but thanks for the offer. I, uh, hope I didn’t break some salarian protocol when I fell asleep on your shoulder.”
“Yes, wanted to discuss that with you. Totally inappropriate, part of sacred mating ritual. You will have to dance naked around the shuttle three times in order to appease our gods.”
Jane chuckled, “Now I know you’re having me on. But that was a good one Mordin.”
“Payback Shepard, payback,” Mordin replied laughing.
Hahaha, I loved this:
“Yes, wanted to discuss that with you. Totally inappropriate, part of sacred mating ritual. You will have to dance naked around the shuttle three times in order to appease our gods.”
That was awesome. :D
Loved the update, A!A!
“Hey Mordin, aren’t you cold without your coat?”
“Hmm, oh, my armor has climate control just like yours. Jacket is merely comfortable, and useful. Least I could do for him.”
“Oh, I always thought your coat was your armor.”
“Misconception useful for me. Opponents think they have an advantage when they see me not wearing it, fatal error for them.”
Jane chuckled, “Yeah I remember hearing about the Blue Suns who tried to squeeze you for protection money. I assume they didn’t try that a second time.”
Mordin grinned, “Correct, apparently smarter than they appeared to be.”
“Ok, I have to ask. You said you once used farm equipment to kill. What sort of situation does that happen in?”
“The kind where you use a tractor to push over a shed harboring vorcha. Nasty things. May I ask a question now?”
“Sure, might as well. Passes the time.”
“Agreed. Akuze, how did you survive?”
“Thresher maws,” Jane said with a shiver, “god how I hate them. How did I survive? Would you believe a fondness of old Earth horror vids?”
Jane laughed at his confusion. “My brother and I loved watching horror vids. We came across this one called Tremors and it featured these huge creatures that could like swim underground, much like the maws do. They pop out of the dirt but can’t tunnel through hard rock so if you got to bedrock you were safe.”
“Wait! Humans had seen maws before intergalactic travel? Possible to use this movie as training vid?”
“No, nothing like that. Just some eerie similarities. Although the creatures in the vid had these tentacle like things to grab with instead of poison. But anyway, I used that tactic, I ran for a nearby group of boulders. My fellow soldiers panicked and were killed by the maws. I yelled at them to follow me, but none did,” her voice had gotten softer as she had talked.
“Sorry Shepard, did not mean to upset you.”
“It’s okay, I wasn’t the commanding officer so they followed him instead. Me, I kept moving using any large rock outcropping as a safe spot. Of course, I had to watch out for their poison as well. During my hunt with Saren I ran into more of the wretched things and we found we could stop the Mako and even make repairs on it if we were on bedrock.”
“Yes, well known fact now. Fascinating that humans imagined such a thing. How did they kill them in your vid? Heavy artillery?”
Jane laughed a bit, “No, it was a small town in a remote area, they tried shooting them with limited success. Mostly it was them using the terrain to their advantage.”
“Interesting, must watch this for myself.”
“Mordin, I doubt you will find much of value from it. It’s a cheesy vid, highly amusing when you are a teenager though.”
“Will assess it for my self when we return to the Normandy. Must look further into this area, perhaps other things of use to be found.”
Jane grinned at the thought of the serious Mordin watching old Earth vids for research. Datapad gripped tight in his hand, taking notes furiously, analyzing every last bit of the cheesiest of old horror vids.
“Well if you are that dead set on putting yourself through that, the least that I can do is give you a list of those that I watched to start with. But I take no responsibility for anything you see.”
“Excellent Shepard! Look forward to examining them. Perhaps research other races horror vids for similar correlations, fascinating. Can’t wait.”
“We still have to get through the Omega-4 relay and back again.”
“Yes, but will need a new project when we return. This one will do nicely.”
“Salarians are aware that our lifespan is greatly reduced compared to the rest of the galaxy. Take a pragmatic approach, death is expected so make the most of what we have.”
“Believe me I get that. Uh, that was kind of why I hit on you. Death took me once. Never know when it will come looking for me again.”
“Understand. Though flattered, surely younger, more suitable candidates on board the Normandy?”
“Not the point, Mordin. I confess I have a fondness for guys who can string two coherent sentences together, granted you can do it at an unparalleled rate compared to most.”
Mordin twisted in his seat to take a closer look at Shepard. Her eyes followed his movement, he guessed she was trying to gauge his reaction to her confession. Interesting, he would have to study this further. Perhaps he had made a false assumption that she was just interested in trying out salarian, any salarian. It was well known fact that salarians were hard to tempt into a relationship and perhaps his people had perpetuated the belief that they had virtually no sex drive to keep other species interest down. But this, this he had never considered that she might have been attracted to him for himself.
He smiled at her compliment but his reply interrupted by the ping of his omni-tool.
“We are en route, fifteen minutes out. Normandy has been notified of the situation and is waiting outside the planets thermosphere for our arrival.”
“Excellent Legion! We will prepare for your arrival.”
Shepard’s laughter brought his attention back to her before she enveloped him in a hug. A human gesture, but one he happily returned.
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