Mass Effect Kink Meme: 2nd People's Choice Awards

Feb 20, 2012 12:24


Thanks to everyone who voted for and nominated stories, and congratulations to all our winners! Full list below the cut.

First Prize Winners

Second Prize Winners

Full List of Nominees and Winners:

Best Het Story (non FemShep/Garrus)

- FIRST PRIZE: Doppleganger, Kelly/Turian Councillor
- SECOND PRIZE: The Lifespan Talk, Asari/Turian

- The Auction Where Everyone Wins, Lorik Qu’in/OFC
- Battlegrounds, FemShep/Saren
- Dumb Bravery, Garrus/Aria
- Evaluation, ManShep/Solana Vakarian
- Gone Again Gone Again, Benezia/Saren
- If the Seas Catch Fire, FemShep/Kaidan
- Imprinting, FemShep/Mordin
- Legacy, ManShep/Kasumi
- Mission Debrief series, ManShep/Aria
- Old Acquaintance Are Forgot, Jack/Jacob
- Psycho Effect, ManShep/Ashley’s Sisters
- Quick! Everyone Under the Colonel’s Desk!, ManShep/Ashley
- Relaxation, ManShep/Rana Thanoptis
- Secrets, FemShep/Saren
- Some Like it RoughFemShep/Jacob

Best Het Story (FemShep/Garrus)

- FIRST PRIZE: A Fistful of Bullets, FemShep/Garrus
- SECOND PRIZE: At Face Value, FemShep/Garrus

- Casual Touching, FemShep/Garrus
- The Color of Its Countries, FemShep/Garrus
- The Comedown, FemShep/Garrus
- Hands-on Training, FemShep/Garrus
- If at First You Don’t Succeed…, FemShep/Garrus
- Inappropriate Thoughts, FemShep/Garrus
- Infinite Regress, FemShep/Garrus
- Interrogation Tactics, FemShep/Garrus
- Keep, FemShep/Garrus
- Payback, FemShep/Garrus
- Try it With You, FemShep/Garrus

Best Slash Story

- FIRST PRIZE: Subspeak, ManShep/Garrus
- SECOND PRIZE: Cruise Control, ManShep/Joker

- After Horizon, ManShep/Garrus
- Being Circular, ManShep/Garrus
- Breathe, ManShep/Kaidan
- The Candidate, Garrus/Nihlus
- Crew, ManShep/Garrus
- Fascinations, ManShep/Wrex
- Impressed, Garrus/Pallin
- Rain on Virmie, Nihlus/Saren
- A Scorched Earth Response, ManShep/Turian Councillor
- Stargazing, ManShep/Kaidan
- Striking, ManShep/Garrus
- Teardrop, Nihlus/Saren

Best Femslash Story

- FIRST PRIZE: The Best Laid Plans, FemShep/Miranda
- SECOND PRIZE: Making a Mistake, Jack/Miranda

- Embrace Eternity, Morinth/Aria
- Harmony, Ashley/Asari
- Heart of Green, Heart of Blue. Fist of Fire, Fist of Water, Ashley/Liara
- Joy Bits, FemShep/Miranda/Ashley/Kelly
- A Lottery Everyone Wins, Ashley/Female crew
- Legacies, Jack/Miranda
- Oh Mother, Where Art Thou?, FemShep/Liara/Benezia
- Total Domination, Ashley/Various women

Best Threesome/Moresome Story

- FIRST PRIZE: Mind Games, ManShep/Kaidan/Garrus
- SECOND PRIZE: Help a Brother Out Here, ManShep/Garrus/Female Turian

- Belonging, ManShep/Garrus/Tali
- Dirty Little Secret, ManShep/Garrus/Saren
- Further Surprises, FemShep/Garrus/Turian Councillor
- Interspecies Bootknocking, Ashley/Garrus/Tali
- The Lion’s Share, FemShep/Garrus/Tali/Liara
- Joy Bits, FemShep/Miranda/Ashley/Kelly
- A Lottery Everyone Wins, Ashley/Female crew
- Oh Mother, Where Art Thou?, FemShep/Liara/Benezia
- Psycho Effect, ManShep/Ashley’s Sisters
- Valhalla, FemShep/Morinth, FemShep/Various women
- Warrior, FemShep/Grunt/Jack/Wrex

Best Non-Sexual/Non-Romance Story

- FIRST PRIZE: The Nest, Saren
- SECOND PRIZE: Mental Illness, ManShep + Garrus

- Disasters Like You are One in a Million, Nihlus + Saren
- Historical Account, Saren
- Irresponsibilities, Kolyat
- Marked, Saren + Desolas

Best Humor Story

- FIRST PRIZE: You’ve Got Mail!, Kaidan
- SECOND PRIZE: Amore, FemShep/Garrus

- Fear the Glaswegian, Kenneth
- Fun With an Unconscious Person, Wrex
- How Are You Feeling?, FemShep/Kaidan
- I’m Commander F*cking Shepard: The App, FemShep + Garrus
- Latent Maternal Instinct, Miranda
- Misfire Fill 23, Saren + Nihlus
- Quick! Everyone Under the Colonel’s Desk!, ManShep/Ashley
- Rider, FemShep/Zaeed
- The Tuchanka Horror, Wrex + Cat

Most Emotionally Touching Story

- FIRST PRIZE: Ubi Venenum, Ibi Evacua, Kelly
- SECOND PRIZE: The Color of Its Countries, FemShep/Garrus

- At Face Value, FemShep/Garrus
- Bullet in the Brain, Garrus
- The Candidate, Garrus/Nihlus
- The Comedown, FemShep/Garrus
- Imprinting, FemShep/Mordin
- Infinite Regress, FemShep/Garrus
- Marked, Saren + Desolas
- My Arm From the Elbow Down, FemShep + Garrus
- Old Acquaintance Are Forgot, Jack/Jacob
- One Year Later, Kaidan/Vyrnnus
- Protégé, Garrus
- Rain on Virmie, Nihlus/Saren
- Teardrop, Nihlus/Saren
- Trio, Kolyat + Thane

Best Alternate Universe Story

- FIRST PRIZE: Infinite Regress, FemShep/Garrus
- SECOND PRIZE: The Best Laid Plans, FemShep/Miranda

- Battlegrounds, FemShep/Saren
- Continuing Struggles, FemShep/Saren
- Desire the Dead, Saren/Garrus
- Secrets, FemShep/Saren
- The Trade, Warden Kuril/Garrus

Best Story Without Shepard as a Main Character

- FIRST PRIZE: Pretty Pictures, Morinth/Kelly
- SECOND PRIZE: Homeward Bound, Asari/Kenn

- The Auction Where Everyone Wins, Lorik Qu’in/OFC
- The Candidate, Garrus/Nihlus
- Ghost in the Machine, Garrus/Legion
- Gone Again Gone Again, Benezia/Saren
- Harmony, Ashley/Asari
- Heart of Green, Heart of Blue. Fist of Fire, Fist of Water, Ashley/Liara
- Irresponsibilities, Kolyat
- Legacies, Jack/Miranda
- Making a Mistake, Jack/Miranda
- Marked, Saren + Desolas
- Old Acquaintance Are Forgot, Jack/Jacob
- Omega Gut Punch, Deus Ex crossover
- One Year Later, Kaidan/Vyrnnus
- Sorry, Veetor
- Total Domination, Ashley/Various women

Best Prompt (Filled or Unfilled)

- FIRST PRIZE: For Posterity, James Sanders Vega Sanders

- Garrus-centric: Hastatim/military history, Garrus


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