Mass Effect Kink Meme: PART V

Jun 17, 2011 12:58

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The Orchestra and Conductor (1) anonymous September 1 2011, 21:24:14 UTC
"Regretting it yet?" he asked in Shepard's ear, brushing past her long enough to squeeze her ass and make her lose count of the chocolate fishdogs she was arranging on a plate.

"No," she said, firmly and levelly, shooting him a dark look.

Kaidan snaked his arm around her waist, so beautifully outlined in her tight tank top, and stole a chocolate, circling her fully in order to put it in his mouth. She slapped his hand. "Ow!" He stuck his tongue out. "You'll have to kiss that better later on," he warned, in a low voice.

"I am far too busy to deal with your libido," she retorted. "Jacob, could give Kaidan a hand with these plates, please?" she called out, smirking when he was forced to turn away.

"So how's life with you?" Kaidan asked, taking the lone plate that Jacob didn't balance on his palms or forearms. "I've been hearing a lot about your exploits on the extranet."

Jacob smiled, self consciously, setting the snacks out on the dining table. "Well, if you're going to have mercenaries in the world, might as well have good ones, right?" he said. "Besides, the old man needed someone to watch his back."

"What's that?" Zaeed shouted from the sofa where he was was perfectly content to play grand Uncle to Miranda and Jacob's adopted son. One of the many Earth orphans, he was a small, climbing whirlwind at the moment who had no patience for his perfect, doting mother or his father, but plenty for the scarred old mercenary.

"Just toasting your good name," Kaidan assured him.

On the other arm of the corner sofa Tali and Kal were nursing a dextro drink pack with Garrus. The turian looked discomforted by the proximity to the human child and Kaidan couldn't blame him. He stole another chocolate and headed for the asari and krogan delegations standing at the bar. They had secreted a few humans in their midst too, Chakwas, Joker and Kasumi. Wrex grinned when Kaidan approached and held up his drink. "Coming to join us?"

Alli was looking a little bemused, while Samara and Liara were enjoying a long discussion about historical battles, Grunt chiming in eagerly now and again. He smiled at Alli and took one of the drinks Wrex had taken charge of mixing. "Will this kill me?"

"Didn't kill Joker," Wrex said, about to pat the pilot on the shoulder before thinking better of it and clapping his palm on Chakwas' back. "Or the doctor!"

Kaidan smiled in thanks and winked at Alli, heading back to the kitchen. Shepard was perched on the counter top to get a salad bowl from on top of the cupboards. Unable to resist, Kaidan stole up behind her and slid his hand up her skirt, making sure to catch her when she shrieked and hopped down. "Kaidan!" she hissed when he pinned her against the counter. "I -mmph - not helpful," she managed when he finished kissing her.

"Your adorable when your stressed," he said, handing her Wrex's drink. "Wrex made that."

"Oh good," she said, and necked it.

"The night's looking up," Kaidan murmured. "Quicky in the kitchen?"

"Take the salad through and get them to sit down and maybe you'll get a blow job this week."


The Orchestra and Conductor (2) anonymous September 2 2011, 15:56:35 UTC
Jack sauntered into the kitchen as Shepard pulled the roast out of the oven. "Shep. Really?"

Jane glanced up, licking a spot of gravy off of her thumb. "Please, it's all pre-made by the Presidium's new big five star. I just have to heat it up, and I suspect I've burned this."

Jack peered over Shepard's shoulder at the crackling bird. "It'll be fine. I've ate worse."

Shepard groaned and elbowed Jack in the ribs, sidling past her to fetch the stack of plates. "That's not a ringing recommendation. Could you take these?"

Jack did so, suspending the crockery in a biotic field. She grinned, her bright red lips parting over pearly teeth. "I'm not going to drop one."

"Never said you would. Tell me something, is Kaidan out there?"

"Yeah. Last I saw he was playing a hand of skyllian five with Joker and Alli. Where did he did that one up, by the way? I kind of want to break her."

"Not till after the party, Jack."

"Why do you ask?"

"I think he's on heat." Jane tugged at her skirt and pressed her finger to the corner of her lips, checking for smudges.

"Oh come on, in that dress?" Jack looked her up and down, juggling the plates that hovered in their field. "You know he's a leg man."

Shepard snorted, picking up the serving platter. "He's an everything man. Run interference for me? He's scared of you."

"Hell no." Jack snickered, following Shepard out. "It's hilarious."


She began loading up the dinner table, remembering Landfalls past. One particular time on the Normandy stuck out in the traverse, their drives slowly cooking them all as they waited for a Batarian pirate ship to dock with a reaper lurking over the relay. She felt Kaidan's hand on her shoulder and smiled, meeting sparkling eyes. He leaned in closer. "Are we going to do this the traditional Mindoir way?"

"For the last time," she whispered, not entirely feigning her irritation. "They're not all fertility cultists."

"You never should have told me that," he whispered, lips brushing her earlobes. "It does make Landfall my favourite holiday." He chuckled when she shoved a plate into his chest.

"Alli," Shepard sung out, beckoning the rookie over. "Kal too. Come on. Since you're both new to this," she handed Alli a plate and pointed to the dextro packs for Kal. "Landfall is all about good food and good company. You eat on the floor, or on the sofa if you have to. We tell stories and remember people who are far away from us."

"It sounds lovely," Alli said.

Shepard smiled and glanced around, "oh, Miranda, I have a mat for Nicky to sit on, hold on." She winked as she passed. "Kaidan's mother gave it to us, I'm trying not to take it as a hint."

She hurried into the bedroom, rooting around in the drawer under the bed. "Don't take this as an invitation," she said when she heard a distinctive light tread behind her.

"That's a little difficult, when it's so inviting." Kaidan rested his hand on her bottom, but leaned down to help her find the playmat for Nicky. "Kal and Tali are cute, don't you think?"

"You sound like Miranda, all this repopulating the galaxy stuff."

"What? She's got a fleet to run." One of his fingers was pushing against the fabric of her skirt, sliding between her butt cheeks. He straightened as she did.

"Then your mother sounds like Miranda," she muttered.

Kaidan stifled a laugh by burying his face in the crook of her neck. "Is that why you've been so uncomfortable lately? She only said it once."

"Once was enough, hey!" she cut off her own shout as Kaidan pulled her skirt up. "This is harassment, you know." She was stopped by a kiss, soft and tender. Kaidan released her at the same time.

"Don't worry. You have my word, I won't put a hand on you until you ask for it," he said, taking the mat from her and heading back into the living space.

Shepard couldn't fight the feeling that she'd dug herself into a deeper hole.


Re: The Orchestra and Conductor (2) anonymous September 2 2011, 16:13:47 UTC

OP here! I'm loving this whole story from Shep's background, the crew getting together to celebrate a holiday, Shepard's total inner housewife coming out, and of course -- Kaidan's evilness!

Looking forward to more! ^____^


Re: The Orchestra and Conductor (2) anonymous September 3 2011, 08:44:21 UTC
Loving this side of Kaidan writeranon! I love seeing/reading everyone here! Hmm...I wonder what naughty lengths will our dear Mr. Alenko go?

Eager to see more!


The Orchestra and Conductor (3) anonymous September 3 2011, 11:52:33 UTC
"So we're back on the Qwib Qwib"

At this point, Tali was caught in such helpless laughter that she'd collapsed into Kal's shoulder and was shaking silently.

"Please don't," Liara said, burying her face in her hands, while Alli patted her shoulder distractedly.

Alli shifted closer to the sofa's edge. "So what happened next?"

"Well," Kasumi took a long, leisurely sip of her wine, one hand up in the air to stall any further questions until she was absolutely ready.

Kaidan was sat on the sofa, still forcing himself to eat some of the treats that Shepard had in a plate on her lap. Landfall was worse than Christmas for that, so much still to eat, so much time with which to do it. Shepard had wriggled her way under his arm and was pressed up beside him, her shoes off and bare feet tucked neatly under her legs. She chuckled at Kasumi's theatrics and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Now bear in mind," Kasumi was saying, directly to Jack, "Liara did get a massive dose of distilled Cerberus indoctrination."

Jack squealed with delight, clapping her hands and bouncing on her bum. "Eeee!"

"So she's pretty drunk."

"I was out of my mind," Liara said quickly. "That stuff affects asari differently!"

"It does," Samara said, evidently out of some sort of species solidarity. "I had to meditate for some time after encountering Cerberus last."

"So we're back on the Qwib Qwib and while I'm trying to get us to the Admiral, Liara keeps saying 'they're crawling on me, they're crawling on me!' and trying to remove her armour. So I'm singlehandedly trying to avoid a diplomatic incident, tell the fleet they've got to evacuate that region of space, and keep Miss Citadel 2186 fully clothed." Kasumi sighed and wiped a tear from her eye. "I still think they decided to come to our aid because I promised I'd get Liara off their ship."

Liara was flushing bright purple and Tali had lost it completely, hiccuping. While the others clamoured to be the one to tell the next story, Kaidan shifted slightly, trying to keep Shepard comfortable while at the same time accessing his omnitool and activating a custom run program. Jane glanced at him, an inquiring smile on her face, and he kissed her cheek. "Promised no hands," he whispered. She frowned, but in public couldn't press for more answers, and Garrus had taken over as story teller.

Garrus had only just started when Shepard twitched under Kaidan's arm, nearly upsetting the plate on her lap. Her mouth opened and then closed firmly as she realised exactly what was going. She settled in closer to Kaidan, digging her fingers into his ribs. "I'm going to kill you," she whispered.


The Orchestra and Conductor (4) anonymous September 3 2011, 13:13:24 UTC
She should have guessed, particularly when, that morning, he'd refused to give her back her underwear when she'd been trying to dress. This was what she got for falling in love with a geek. Every new omnitool creation or programming shortcut reported on the extranet was something he'd already heard about months ago. She vaguely remembered some sort of tactile feedback routine that he'd been excited about when it was developed by another tech orientated Spectre. She should have paid closer attention, she vaguely remembered being seduced one evening by a filthy description of a remote vibrator, so silent she'd be orgasming in front of Udina without him having a clue why she was gasping and screaming.

Back at the time she'd let the words wash over, riding the waves and rhythm.

A very gentle pulse on her clitoris had started, building frustratingly slowly. She lifted her hips, ostensibly to settle more comfortably against Kaidan's side, but couldn't resist a second shift, earning a look from Grunt. "You should have more space, battlemaster," he intoned gravely.

"I'm fine," she said, giving him an extra sunny smile and trying to pretend that her bum was glued to the couch's cushions. Kaidan's fingers trailed on her bare shoulder and she shivered.

"Cold, sweetheart?" Kaidan asked in a low voice. Wait a minute, was it programmed to respond to his voice? Three quick, low frequency pulses pushed against her, forcing her to close her mouth and hold the shudder inside.

"Mmm, mm," she replied with a negative, wordless murmur, though goosebumps were riding up her arm.

"We're ten hours into the mission and Saren and Nihlus have been sniping at each other all day. We poor C-Sec officers have no idea what to do, we're just supposed to assist Spectres, not question them, but by this point it's become clear there's a kill competition going on," Garrus was saying.

"Who was winning?" Jack demanded.

"Nihlus was on thirty, Saren on sixty nine."

Jacob smirked, while Miranda went bright red, earning a very curious look from Joker and Chakwas, close enough to notice. Kaidan took advantage of the lull to pull the blanket from the back of the couch over Shepard' lap, setting the plate on the coffee table. "You seem cold," he said, "you're shivering, honey."


She'd fucking give him him honey.

He was sliding a hand under the blanket, reaching down between her thighs. She did a quick scan of the room, but everyone was too engaged in Garrus' story, with the notable exception of Jack who looked as though she knew exactly what was going on, but was content to let it go on.

Kaidan pushed the edge of his hand against the lace of her underwear, just enough pressure for her to let out a breath, her core muscles tensing and releasing, enough to make Kaidan's fingers damp.

"We're thirty hours into the mission and I've never spent so much time in the darkest, dingiest parts of the ward. I'm beginning to think C-Sec isn't for me. And Nihlus is getting so frustrated that he's begun looting booze from every duct rat stash we come across."

Jane rested her head on Kaidan's shoulder, feigning a yawn so she could cover her mouth, sinking her teeth into her knuckles. She could feel another shudder coming, and Kaidan suddenly stretched, turning as though one of his legs had gone to sleep. She arched her back to let him settle and pushed into the vibrations, a little gasp escaping her.

"Oh, excuse me," she said, jumping to her feet. She headed for the bathroom, ignoring the looks from her friends. Closing the door behind her, she pushed her fingers against her wet lace and fell to her knees, working to a quick, dirty climax and ripping her pants off before the vibrations could continue. She shoved the lace into the laundry basket and washed her hands, catching sight of her flushed face in the mirror.

Revenge. She needed revenge.


Re: The Orchestra and Conductor (4) anonymous September 3 2011, 17:37:20 UTC
Brb crying myself to eternity with how fantastic this is.

This was more than I could have asked for or thought of! Authoranon, you are spoiling me indeed! Forever F5ing.


Re: The Orchestra and Conductor (4) anonymous September 5 2011, 00:24:37 UTC
Ooh anon! This is so good -- eagerly awaiting more! :D


The Orchestra and Conductor (5) anonymous September 5 2011, 16:41:50 UTC
In retrospect, it would have been a good idea to plan the next stage of Project Long Seduction before Shepard had sauntered out from the bathroom, so unbothered by the vibration subroutine that she had to have left her lace briefs in the laundry basket and was now, unless she'd decided to roll up his boxers under that skirt of hers, going commando.

Commando or wearing his boxers.

He wished he hadn't thrown the blanket back over the couch.

Shepard was sashaying about, clearing the plates that had been picked clean and practically waggling her bottom in his face as she tickled Nicky in the ribs. While Zaeed and Grunt rehashed an old argument about whether or not it was possible to pry a krogan crest off with a knife, Kaidan grabbed the last plate from Tali and headed into the kitchen, waving the door closed behind him.

And again, in retrospect, that was his second mistake.

Shepard had been waiting for that. She pounced, faster than he expected, and pushed him back against the door, her lips on his, her hands on his fly. He couldn't help a gasp when she dropped to her knees, taking him in her mouth with an obscene slurp. He groaned, slamming one hand firmly on the 'door close' button and tangling the other in her hair. It was no mystery what she did to him, or even how she did it, but he always marvelled as to how she got her results so quickly.

Tongue, fingers, palms, she worked over his whole length, his balls, deftly bringing him to the edge and sucking hard when he came, swallowing. She straightened and patted his cheek, wiping her lips with the back of her hand. "Quicky in the kitchen, like you asked," she said, shaking her hair out while he panted, composing himself as best he could. She brushed past him, exiting the kitchen with even more of a swing to her walk.

Kaidan pulled his trousers back up and piled the plates into the dishwasher. There was no way she was getting away with that.


The Orchestra and Conductor (Epilogue) anonymous September 5 2011, 17:33:00 UTC
When Wrex announced it was time for the guests to go, nobody argued. Well, Jack argued, but Alli suspected that was out of habit. Jacob and Miranda had already left with their charge, Samara and Chakwas not long after. Still, the way Wrex simply seemed to decide that it was time for them to leave irked her. She thanked Shepard and Kaidan for the time, unable to keep from smiling. The two of them had their arms wrapped around each other, satisfied, sleepy smiles on their faces from an evening well hosted.

She was irritated, she couldn't pretend otherwise, when Wrex hurried her out the door.

"I think we could have stayed for longer, I was expecting . . . more of a party."

"Oh, there'll be a party," Garrus said, while Wrex huffed with laughter.

"Chora's Den?" Liara suggested. She stretched, elbowing Jack. "I feel like dancing, don't you?"

"Not all I feel like," Jack muttered, chewing on a fingernail as they proceeded towards the closest elevator. An Avina terminal flickered as they passed, shouting suggestions after them. "Damn, I'm horny now."

"Chora's Den," Garrus agreed. He patted Alli's shoulder. "Don't worry, they'll be along in an hour or so."

"Fifty creds, it's two hours," Jack snorted.

"I'll take that." Wrex shook his head. "They're not as young as they once were."

Alli frowned and trailed along behind. She hoped, devoutly, that they weren't talking about what she thought they were talking about.


OP TO AUTHORANON anonymous September 6 2011, 03:28:30 UTC
Oh my goodness gracious this was hot and naughty and so delicious I'm foaming at the mouth and my sentences aren't at all grammatically correct...

Thank you SO much for taking the time to do this! Such a wonderful fill!

I love your little installments of Alli / Kaidan / Shepard! :D


Re: The Orchestra and Conductor (Epilogue) anonymous September 7 2011, 04:21:37 UTC
Awesome to see Geeky!Kaidan putting his talents to more valuable use. *snickers*

I love your Shenko stories and I adore Alli and her crush on Kaidan.


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