A fic, a vignette, and a drabble-and-a-half all up for your reading pleasure (I hope!). Trying to coax my Mass Effect muse out of hiding. (She's a skittish thing.)
Into the Shining Sun Characters: The Illusive Man
Word Count: ~1200
Summary: Everyone has a beginning, even the Illusive Man.
Author's Note: Felt like exploring some background for good ol' TIM, since we know so little about him, and this was the result. I once thought it would be longer, but the muse had other ideas, so I'm posting it as is. Here's hoping it's not too awful. Title from the Pink Floyd song "Coming Back to Life." Also up at
When the Cat's Away Characters: Garrus, F!Shepard, and Jacob
Word Count: ~300
Summary: Garrus and Jacob have some explaining to do.
Author's Note:
Insanity prompt fill over at
me_challenge. Prompt was "You did WHAT?!." Also up at
No Cure for This Characters: M!Shepard (references to Thane, Mordin)
Word Count: 150
Summary: Shepard's feelings for Thane run deeper than he lets on.
Author's Note: Also up at