MEA Launch Trailer Recreation | Custom FemRyder

May 02, 2017 16:13

Did the prep-work on this when it looked like we weren't going to get a Sara trailer, and now we're more than a month post-release I finally got round to doing something with it.

image Click to view

Originally I was just going to drop shots of my Ryder in where appropriate, but it felt kinda weird given how so much of the pre-release advertising featured way earlier builds of certain scenes, not to mention how certain shots were clearly created just for the trailer (for example one shot of Scott in the official trailer has him taking the place of a squadmate), soooo I ended up recreating the entire trailer from scratch, going as far as replacing the pre-rendered cutscenes with captures of them from the game itself.

Next time I'll do a full-on 100% original fan trailer.

mass effect: andromeda, fan art, videos

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