Feb 13, 2016 01:28
So, I have a new computer, which means I've been tediously (re)installing a whole bunch of stuff. So, that means virgin installs of the Mass Effect trilogy to get everything in the right place.
I *should* just copy the old data, including all the hacks to the various .ini files that made it more playable, across. Problem is I've forgotten what those files were so does anyone have a list of files that are typically modded, or a way to find out what mods are installed?
Also, this is an excuse for a new play through. So, new fem!Shep. What have been people's preferred origin/psych combos? I can't really remember which ones I did before though I do recall that I managed to miss most of the origin-related side events. Any recommendations?
I'm tending towards Colonist War-hero
female shepard,
mass effect,
mass effect 3,
game mods,
mass effect 2,