Gift Exchange Sign-Ups!

Nov 24, 2013 11:08

Time for the fourth annual Mass Effect community gift exchange! You can see the results of last year's exchange here. Sign-ups will be open for a week or so, after which the mods will assign a Secret Santa to all participants for one big art/fic trade for Christmas!

To sign up, leave a comment answering the following questions:

1. What kind of gift do you plan to give? Writing, artwork or other? What characters/themes would you prefer to to do? Try to be general rather than specific. We need enough leeway to get everyone matched up.

2. What characters/pairings/themes would you prefer not to do?

3. Are you willing to receive a physical item, like a mug or a shirt? This would involve sharing your address via PM with your Santa. This is to cover the potential for craft items, but is optional. Decide what you're comfortable with.

4. Are you willing to sub in case of a dropout?

5. Now the fun part! Give three (3) suggestions/prompts for what you'd like to receive. Try to vary the requests- a request involving a lot of characters might be easier to do in fic than a drawing, for instance. You can be specific, or just suggest a character and a theme. Try to imagine what would inspire you as a creator! Note: If your request includes your custom Shepard, please provide a description/reference.

General Rules and dates:

- Fanfic should be at least 800 words. Anything more is at your discretion, but keep the time constraints in mind.

- Digital artwork should be a finished piece of a reasonable size and resolution.

- If you plan of participating with a physical item, like a craft piece, be aware that you will cover the cost of shipping.

Sign-ups will be open until November 30th inclusive, after which you'll receive via PM the requests for your match. I'll post a reminder before closing sign-ups.

You'll have until December 24th to complete your gift.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me!

gift exchange

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