ME1 Side Quest guide

Jan 09, 2013 16:23

For a fic, I needed to refresh my memory about some ME1 plot points, so I started up a new Shepard, and as it seems I will take my new Shepard all the way through the trilogy, I decided to make this handy chart about the optional assignments available and whether or not they have ME2 or ME3 consequences. I thought it might be useful for anyone else who wants to start a Shepard from the beginning but wants to do it quickly.

Please note, that this is all based on what the wikia says about each of the assignments. If there's anything left out, let me know.

For obvious reasons, I didn't include the main plots or the romantic subplot. Just the various quests picked up from hacking computers or listening in the elevator or assigned by Hackett. Those left out had no listed consequences.

Other useful ME1 posts I found while looking for what I ended up making:
+ Mass Effect 1 Planet Guides - Massive spreadsheet detailing what is on each planet, including survey items and salvage.

+ The Idiot's guide to Preparing for ME3 - Tips on playing through ME1 quickly.

mass effect, gameplay

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