Mass Effect Ending Mod

Nov 04, 2012 08:05

This has been in development for a while, but last night was posted to BSN and making waves in reddit.

This mod:
- Removes the Catalyst Scene completely
- Introduces a new scene with Joker returning to the citadel.
- The Normandy no longer crash lands.
- Shepard reunites with the crew.
- Supports love interest content if the LI is currently on the Normandy. 
- Score changes
- [optional] Geth/Quarian peace slide. 
- Supports both Shepards, although there are some animation bugs.

Basically, its a recut version of the ending with some new scenes added! I think one of the most exciting things about this mod is not that it delivers a "Disney" ending, but that it shows that the game can actually be modded to this level. Obviously it still needs a little polish- but not a bad effort.

Let me say here that I am personally alright with the EC. But one of the things I wanted the most out of ME was variant endings. Showing that the game can be modded like this is exciting.

And honestly? I may have to buy the PC trilogy just to play this mod.

Downloading it may be a bit difficult, as pretty much everyone is trying to download. 

extended cut, game mods

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