40% internet slang, 40% sarcasm, 40% useful information

Oct 26, 2012 15:22

There was a request for another guide-ish thing, sooo... here we go. :P Standard disclaimer that this post is purely my own take on these weapons, classes, and maps. I understand everyone has their own nuances and playstyle; I get that. With all it strengths and weaknesses, this is mine:

Skadoosh. )


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Comments 13

sinvraal October 26 2012, 20:46:00 UTC
How does the Collector rifle stack up when you've only got it at level 1? This becomes the issue with a lot of the rare guns... I have most of the common and uncommons maxxed, and a few rares over 5, so when I get an Ultra-rare (like the Talon I got mid-week) it's hard to judge if it's worthwhile compared to an X something else.

I suppose a better question is, what's the average level 10 bonus? Is the gun 10% better? 20%?


jimmercubed October 26 2012, 20:58:22 UTC
The above was said with only having the collector rifle at level one. :)

This chart shows the gap from level 1 to level 10, but not in between:

Best I could find on that information.


sinvraal October 26 2012, 21:04:16 UTC
The silly thing is I've had it for months because it was the promo award for spending too much money on an N7 controller, but I only used it for a few matches. Looks like I'll have to give it a try again. (I wonder if they buffed it since I got it anyway...)


explosiontime October 26 2012, 21:11:06 UTC
I took a look at this weapons sheet and it looks like level X does 25% more damage then level I across the board.

The Collector Rifle's got decent damage, low recoil, fast reload speed, and good capacity. I agree with jimmercubed in saying that it's a good stopgap if you don't have a Harrier. It also reloads like a normal gun, not the hot-hot-hot-forever reload of the other Collector weapons.

If you have them and can deal with the recoil, then the Revenant, Argus, or Typhoon are probably better choices. However, if you want something more run-and-gun then the CAR is probably a better choice than the Avenger and Geth Plasma Rifle.


(The comment has been removed)

lixie October 26 2012, 22:17:38 UTC
Seconded on the Collector Sniper. I have it on level X and it has 45 "ammo" which recharges after a quick delay, like shields. As long as you burst fire, it should be okay but if you run out, the recharge time and animation takes forever.

I am trying to get the 140000 points for the challenge but as I am a terrible sniper, it is a horrible, horrible slog.


lixie October 26 2012, 22:24:31 UTC
I adore the Turian Ghost. I can't snipe, so tactical cloak + decent assault rifle + superspecial ops packs + JETPACK = <3

Volus Adept's biotic orbs are pretty effective against armor, at least on bronze and silver. Also, stasis + biotic orb = biotic explosion.

This is probably an obvious thing but during extraction, make sure you take out all abominations in the circle. When time runs out and everything dies, guess what explodes and may kill everyone, thus possibly preventing full extraction?

You didn't mention the Volus Engineer. As far as I can tell, it's all about precise mine placement. Hack objective + recon mine at spawns = everything dies beautifully.


_citanul October 26 2012, 23:18:34 UTC
Responder Loadout maxes out at +3 medigel, 10% shield regen speed.
Assault Loadout maxes at +3 thermal clip packs, 8% weapon damage.

Asari Valkyrie does massive damage. But her playstyle is very aggressive, she's best right up in the enemy's face. Not everyone's cup of tea. Basically a tankier, debuffing Fury. Though less agile.

Abominations, if you have a class that decapitates them, you're in luck, no explosions. Same thing if you footstomp one.

Stasis doesn't affect Dragoons, or any armored target.


la_libertine October 27 2012, 00:08:52 UTC
You can headshot praetorians by shooting into the gap in their armour underneath their eyes and either side of their beak and into their inner cavity, where the husk heads are. It's tricky to aim at especially when their beady little laser eyes of doom are closing on you fast, but it knocks a lot off their bars when you do.


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