Head canons for cold ammunition?

Apr 25, 2012 10:27

I interrupt your daily ME squee with 'Herp Derp*: the Quantum Physics Edition'.

Does anyone have any specific headcanons with regards to cryo rounds from ME1 or cryo powers from ME2 and 3? Or do you just hand-wave it as game mechanics? How do you see it working if you don't hand-wave it? For Cryo Rounds/ammo: What does the ammo block look like? Which rifle/pistol/gun (all games, but especially ME1) is more awesome to use? Is the Bose-Einstein condensate encapsulated and then 'opens up' like a net so only the intended target is snap-frozen upon impact? What happens when the rifle's VI malfunctions? Etc.

I'm currently stumped as to how to describe it in fic since apparently weapons are sophisticated enough to super-cool it into Bose-Einstein condensate with cooling lasers. O__o;; What I'm having the most difficulty with is describing how the cryo round impacts, how the ammo block interacts with the rifle/pistol/etc, what the end-user must program the rifle to do to start the super-cooling process, and whether it impacts against shielding and encases the target like a net or bypassing shielding since you're basically shooting a unicorn fart super-cooled, super-fast air particles at the target and only the intended target.

I am writing from ME1 Ashley's POV, so my description will be from a standard soldier's view as she changes out the ammo in her sniper rifle, sights down the enemy, and takes her shot, but that doesn't keep me from wanting to know these things on a meta level. I'm probably way, way, waaaay over-thinking this, but I'm fairly anal-retentive when it comes to wanting to understand how something works and would prefer to veer on the side of hard science instead of game mechanics or space magic. There's what's presented visually in the game, sure, but meh, not what I'm looking for. If anyone has any offerings of science articles or papers, that would be great too.

Anyway, science me, masseffect pls.

*I've ranted about it here on my journal. (Caution: it is very much a whiny-ranty rant about space voodoo and contains ranty and rage-inducing feels, capslock and swearing. I'd prefer a productive hard science discussion here at the comm, but have provided the link so you can get an idea of where I'm going with the headcanon questions.)

discussion, writing, science!, fanfic

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