ME3 concept art - What could've been

Apr 05, 2012 15:01

Hey all! New poster here...
For those of you concept art junkies, I found something neat on Benjamin Huen (one of the ME3 concept artists)'s cghub account... Pic under the cut. Hope this cut works.  Presenting...

....Kai Leng and his posse - with enough firepower to raid the entire cereal section of the Citadel Supermarket!

According to the artist himelf: "This was an idea to have a Cerberus group led by Kai Leng that was made to take down Shepard's crew. It didn't make it into the game :("

original url: (more oodles of ME3 stuff there :D :D :D :D)

Also, there's some huge (okay, not wallpaper huge sadly) pics of the ME3 weapons and enviros by Brian Sum.
Also, Matt Rhodes has some more ME3 pics on his blog/da with more "what could've beens".
I assume some (or most) of these made into the artbook? - I haven't been able crack open both the game and artbook yet.

kai leng, bioware, mass effect

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