So I'm almost done with my second (very) full playthrough of ME3, this time playing as my Sheploo Renegade that romanced Liara.
I don't really have anyone close to me that is into the game, and I've obsessed over the series enough over the last few months to make my fiance hate it (and he was the one playing it before I did). XD So, I'm going to flail my arms around at you guys.
Long ranting is long.
First off, I didn't really get to feel the jackass-ed-ness of the Renegade Shepard until Tuchanka. Renegade options didn't really feel like he was being a giant dick like it did in the previous games. Still impatient, but that's about the worst that he came off as.
But when Mordin realized that Shepard knew about the sabotage that would happen if the cure was sent up the shroud unaided, a piece of me died inside. I knew what Shepard was going to have to do to keep Mordin from going up there. Too bad I had destroyed Maelon's data and kept Wrex alive; there was nothing to keep Mordin from going against what Renegade!Shepard wanted. But OMG! Watching him try to crawl his way to the console anyway... More tears fell this time than the first with my Paragon playthrough.
That was when I truly dreaded the Rannoch mission. I loved Legion's sacrifice with my Paragon. But! I was really happy to see that I was able to get basically the same results by yelling at the quarians instead. I was not going to be happy if I had to watch us take out Legion or if Tali had offed herself. Good thing I had the requirements needed from the 2nd game.
And then Wrex confronted me on the Citadel. I was so excited about getting the quarians and geth together, that I had completely forgotten that there was going to be a confrontation with Wrex regarding Shepard sabotaging the cure. 'Sonofabitch' was my first thought. Gah, that totally sucked. I killed him and Clan Urdnot pulled their support. Seriously, I'm sorry Wrex - I never wanted you to be angry. I kept telling myself that this Shepard wouldn't care, just take the Renegade option and suck it up.
Now four of my past team members dead (Kaidan included), I was not prepared when I lost Miranda, too. And I have no idea what I did wrong. Was it because I didn't let her talk to her sister in ME2? Was it because I told her I wouldn't help her on the Citadel? Aw, but poor Miranda.
And then, while I was complaining a good portion of the game that none of my crew members were mentioning dead characters much, two of them finally spoke up. (Actually, three. Tali toasted Miranda while drunk.) Garrus. God, my favorite. I just couldn't lie to him. Forget Renegade, I had to tell Garrus that I had sabotaged the cure when he asked why Wrex had attacked me earlier. And he understood, but I loved his response when he asked "Mordin didn't go along with that, did he?" "Damn war." He knew Shepard had to make those cold and calculated decisions.
Joker even said something. Not about me screwing over the krogan, but he named off crew members that we had lost, including Thane. I really loved him for that.
And finally, my other flail was that the Renegade interrupt for giving it to Kai Leng had changed, too. Rather than just saying "That was for Thane", Shepard said "That was for Thane and Miranda." AWESOME!!! :D