Updates: Resta Con Me +

Mar 03, 2012 13:17

Resta Con Me
Characters: Thane Krios, Male Shepard
Rated: Firmly rooted in M territory
Genre: Romance/Humor/Slash
Chapter 7
You can start Resta from the beginning here.

The +:

Conflict of Interests
Characters: Kolyat Krios, Sergeant Haron
Rated: M
Genre: Romance/Humor/Slash
Chapter 15
Summary: It started out as an assignment; watch the drell, make sure he stays out of trouble. It was supposed to be simple, but Haron knows things rarely are. He would just add this to the list of things in his life that didn't go as they should have.

The top link takes you to the beginning.
If you've been keeping up, you can find the latest chapter here.

male shepard, kolyat krios, thane krios, slash, fanfic

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