Mass Effect Marathon 2 Polls Open!

Jul 18, 2011 13:31

With all the excitement that is San Diego Comicon and the promised content available at the Bioware Base, I can't help but remember how excited I was to participate in the Mass Effect Marathon, last November.

The Mass Effect Marathon is hosted by the fine folks at in order to raise money for Child's Play Charity. Over the weekend of November 25th through November 27th, the g33ks will be at it again, playing Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 for your entertainment. There will be plenty of cool contests, raffles, prizes, and epic rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock challenges for everyone.

Last year, G33kwatch raised $14,200 for Child's Play Charity through the Mass Effect Marathon. This year, they hope to double that, but they need your help to do it. A system of donation levels are in place to help motivate the fans. Should Kasumi survive? Garrus? Tali? Only you can make that decision!

Even if donating isn't your thing, be sure to stop by and show your support for the cause! All major in-game decisions are determined by polling the fans. This year, the Mass Effect Marathon will feature FemShep. Will she be a Paragon or a Renegade? What class should she excel at? Who will she romance? Will she save the Council or make way for humanity? The choice is yours, so be sure to stop by the Mass Effect Marathon website and cast your vote!

But Virus, November is four months away! Lucky for you, there are plenty of things being planned, as we speak. The best part about the Mass Effect Marathon is that it's run by fans of the series, so there's always something to chat about and keep everyone involved. Stay tuned for more news from the Mass Effect Marathon!

female shepard, fun, mass effect, mass effect 2

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