Для тех кто хочет похудеть или просто следит за фигурой

Jan 23, 2010 02:41

Ниже - выжимка из вот этой книги http://www.amazon.com/Mastering-Leptin-Permanent-Weight-Optimum/dp/1933927259/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1264232175&sr=8-1-catcorr. Там всё про гормон лептин коий критичен для жироотложения (ну, вы меня поняли :)).

В книге суммируется много лет исследований. Результат - 5 правил которых надо придерживаться для того чтобы худеть или не набирать вес. Люди которые меня знают будут ваще удивлены что я делаю пост на эту тему, но наболело, прежде всего, из-за повторяющегося призыва к дробному питанию в куче диет, а уж проповедывание углеводных завтраков проходит как помощник преступника.

Я коротенько изложу по-русски то что ниже написано английским по белому. Мне эти правила всегда помогают.

Дисклеймер: Я не диетолог, я излагаю что написано в книге, и, повторяю, подход меня привлек не чем-то там новомодным-шикарным, а тем что авторы обобщили результаты многих лет исследований.


Правило 1: Никогда не ешьте после ужина. Делайте 11-12-ти часовые перерывы в еде между ужином и завтраком. Ложитесь спать не раньше чем через 3 часа после ужина.

Правило 2: Ешьте три трапезы в день с перерывами в 5-6 часов между ними. Не перекусывайте! Kажется, по-русски тоже народ стал писАть снек - перекус. Так вот, НЕТ! Как бы ни называлось.

Правило 3: Не ешьте большие трапезы. Если у вас избыточный вес, закончите есть когда ещё чувствуете себя ненаевшимся. Вы почувствуете сытость минут через 15-20. Ешьте медленно.

Правило 4: Завтрак должен содержать много белков, или вообще состоять из белковых продуктов (и овощей с низким гликемическим индексом - это уже от меня, я не помню они говорят об этом или нет).

Правило 5: Сократите количество потребляемых углеводов. Авторы рекоммендуют соотношение белков и углеводов в питании 50/50. Взвесьтесь вечером перед сном. Eсли ваш вес более чем на 2 фунта выше вашего утреннего веса, значит, вы потребiлi слишком много углеводов.

"Leptin is essential for survival. It has a regulating effect on other hormones, not in a passive way but as a prime controlling signal. Leptin tells thyroid hormones, adrenal hormones, pancreatic hormones, and sex hormones how to perform. Leptin can function without any help from those other hormones, but the other hormones cannot function properly without leptin.

"The significance of this new information reveals that leptin is the single most important hormone known to man. Interestingly, it was not discovered until 1994, and it has not been written about in its comprehensive role for broad public knowledge."

They further state:

"Leptin is responsible for bizarre and erratic behaviour and cravings related to food, including the inability to attain and maintain a healthy body weight. Leptin is essential for survival; without it, the human race would have perished from starvation long ago. However, in the land of food on every corner, it is also the hormone that fuels addictive and compulsive behaviour. It is the reason why individuals will 'start their diet tomorrow'."

The evidence is clear - control leptin, and you control your weight and improve general health.

Most people's leptin levels are out of control, causing them to overeat and to store fat rather than burn it.

Byron and Mary Richards have made an in-depth study of all the leptin research (approximately 9000 studies thus far), and this combined with experience with clients, they have developed the Five Rules.

The aim of these Rules is to restore the body's sensitivity to leptin, which will re-establish the body's ability to efficiently produce energy from food, and will lead to weight loss.

These Five Rules are not a 'weight loss diet' - they're Rules to live by. Happily, compared to virtually every 'weight loss diet' on the market, once you're in the swing, it's probably the simplest and easiest way to go so far.

The Five Rules

Rule 1:

Never Eat After Dinner. Allow 11-12 hours between dinner and breakfast. Never go to bed on a full stomach. Finish eating dinner at least three hours before bed. This rule is explained in chapter 15 of the book.

Rule 2:

Eat 3 Meals a Day. Allow 5-6 hours between meals. Do Not Snack. This Rule is explained in chapter 17 of the book.

Rule 3:

Do Not Eat Large Meals. If overweight, always try to finish a meal when slightly less than full; the full signal will usually catch up in 10-20 minutes. Eating slowly is important. This rule is explained in chapter 18 of the book.

Rule 4:

Eat a high-protein breakfast. This rule is explained in chapter 19.

Rule 5:

Reduce the amount of carbohydrates eaten. This rule is explained in chapter 20.

The Author, Byron Richards, states that "Some individuals do not have the physical ability to follow the Five Rules. This does not mean the rules are wrong; it simply means the individual needs to get in better shape. . . . There are ways to vary the Five Rules and still maintain healthy metabolism. Elite athletes may need to eat more often simply to get the number of calories they need. Diabetics have nonfunctioning "hormone switches" and end up using food to compensate for a "broken metabolism". There are a variety of special circumstances that require tailoring the Five Rules. . . . Individuals need to understand why a rule is a rule so they can think intelligently with the information and apply it to their life."

It's particularly important that people with diabetes understand the information contained in the book, and work in conjunction with their primary diabetes advisor.

There is science and good sense behind each rule.

Rule 1:   Never eat after dinner. Finish eating 3 hours before bedtime. Never go to bed on a full stomach. Allow 11-12 hours between dinner and breakfast. For approximately the first 6-8 hours after eating our evening meal, the body is burning up the calories from that day. The most effective fat burning time (i.e. stored fat in our thighs, bums and tums) is between approximately 8 and 12 hours after eating. If we have a little snack before bedtime, or have our evening meal too late, the leptin tells the brain that no energy is required, and no fat burning will occur in the latter part of the night. So that little snack, however healthy it may have been, puts paid to any fat-burning that night.

Rule 2:  Eat 3 meals per day. Allow 5-6 hours between meals. Do Not Snack.  During the first three hours after a meal, insulin is in charge of storing the calories from the food we have eaten. During this time we are not in 'fat-burning mode'. Even low-calorie snacks stimulate insulin release.

If you find it too difficult to wait 5 hours before eating, then you can start this plan by eating four meals per day, instead of three. In time, with regular exercise added, you will more and more often be able to leave 5 hours between meals. The most important time is the night-time 11-12 hour fat-burning interval.

Children and teenagers of normal weight, athletes and bodybuilders will probably need to eat more often than three times per day. However, try to avoid unhealthy snacks or fizzy drinks.

Rule 3:  Do not eat large meals.  The idea behind this is to not give the body more fuel than it can use. Regular large meals leads to leptin and insulin resistance. One of the best techniques for reducing the size of meals is to eat slowly and chew really well. It takes the brain ten minutes to realise you are full. If you really can't slow down, then put down your knife and fork for 5 minutes when you've eaten about half your food. Don't feel you have to 'clean your plate' if you have had enough - you becoming overweight and unhealthy doesn't help anyone.

Rule 4:  Eat a high-protein breakfast.  This keeps the body in a calorie-burning mode. Eating a protein breakfast supports blood sugar levels so that late afternoon energy crashes are minimised. These energy crashes are often the result of eating a breakfast with too many carbohydrates and very little protein. If you eat a high carbohydrate breakfast, and are leptin resistant, you are more likely to overeat generally, but particularly at night.

Rule 5:  Reduce the amount of carbohydrate eaten.  This does NOT mean cutting out all, or virtually all, carbohydrates. We do need carbohydrates to maintain health.

However, eating too many carbohydrates at lunchtime may cause you to be ravenously hungry before dinner, tempting you to break rule 3 (no snacking).

Byron and Mary Richards recommend a ratio of 50/50. That is, a palm sized portion of protein, and the same amount of starch. In other words, meat, fish, egg or vegetable protein the size of your palm, could be matched with an equal amount of rice, bread, potato, fruit or dessert. Along with this, eat as many vegetables as you like, but go easy with the peas, corn and cooked carrots.

You can easily check whether you're eating too many carbohydrates. Weigh yourself first thing in the morning, and again at bedtime. If, at bedtime, you weigh more than 2 pounds over your morning weight, and you followed Rules 1-4 during the day, then you've eaten too many carbohydrates that day.

know how

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