Nov 27, 2004 11:05
A big 2 thumbs up to Christmas with the Kranks or Skipping Christmas as some of you may know it as. I loved it. Many people probably wouldn't, but thanks to my great ability to love sappy, cheesy, holiday movies, I loved it. In fact, I recommend it to all of the scrooges out there! It'll make you dislike Christmas just that much more. GO TO!
I have to work today, and personally I'm frightened. The mall is either going to be overflowing with early shoppers, or dead. And for all of the chumps that might pass by, if it doesn't have a red sale sticker on it, I WILL NOT GIVE YOU A BLOODY DISCOUNT. I don't care to hear about your circumstances, flea market rules do not apply here.
One month to be exact before I leave. That means tomorrow, i'll get to say "3 weeks and 6 days left", which sounds so much closer than one month. i've finally figured out that I can fedex boxes of crap down there, so this makes me one happy girl. BOXES. BOXES, I SAY! That was my biggest worry...the girl in me freaked out when she realized she could only bring one suitcase and one would I fit all of my shoes?!. Thank god for priority shipping.
Merry X-mas Everybody by Steps is my favourite Christmas song ever. It even beats out any Mariah Carey xmas songs...and that's saying a lot.
PS. ♥Congrats to Peekins and Sara(h) today!!!!! I wish you nothing but the best, you guys are awesome...I wish I could have been there!♥