A Story, Sick Cicada, and Speaking inTongues

Mar 31, 2005 10:10

First, in my previous post there was a silly story. It was about a "magical place" where employees lose sanity and try to take it out on the corporation. "The Death of Grimace!" Did ya read it? I didn't think so. uberreiniger saved it to his "memories" list, but that comment is gone as I deleted and reposted with fewer typos and such. Sorry "UBE" and thanks. adonijah74 also "memories" listed it but didn't comment that. Once again I like to publicly thank the hubby for this WONDERFUL cold,"Ya know how I loves me some cooties!" *cough-hack-hack* "aaaWEEE-EER-WEEE-EER!". When I try NOT to cough by using the "growl-prevention" technique, Shane says I sound like a cicada...not this one http://www.jon-secada.com/ THIS ONE! http://www.ivyhall.district96.k12.il.us/4th/kkhp/1insects/cicada.html . Anyway, I'm still sick but hope you'll check out my story. I wrote it to amuse you...okay, I wrote it to amuse myself but thought you might enjoy it as well. If you don't like it...it's because you have no sense of humor. If you do like it...it's because you need help. Blah-blah-blah and in the great words of Archie Bunker "PPPLLLllll!" :P
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