Icon Contest for Phantom of the Opera fans

Oct 13, 2009 14:50

Hello, all!

First I'd like to apologize that I've rather abandoned this community, basically because I haven't felt icon-making inspiration for ages now. It may be partly because I got into photography, so that's where my creative energies have been flowing! (You can see my photostream on Flickr, though it too is a bit neglected of late.)

This post goes out to all the Phantom of the Opera fans reading.

Phantom of the Opera .com is holding an icon contest for new Phantom icons, as new avatars on the forums there. The winners will also be posted here, if they have icon journals or pages to be linked to.

So if you're a Phantom fan and an icon maker, please consider entering!

You have to register for the forums to post your entry there, but there's no requirement to participate in discussion or anything. Though you're very welcome if you want to!

I'd love to get some good entries, so I thought I'd post here and let you know about it. Feel free to post this to any relevant communities, should you want to, too.


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