So today I'm wondering about regional or age-based idioms. Well, one in particular.
"By accident" versus "on accident"
I always heard and read "by accident" when I was growing up; but, after travelling and living in different places, I've heard both phrases used by young and old people, possessing a higher education or not. And everyone has their reasons for why one is correct and the other is not. "You say 'on purpose', so why wouldn't you say 'on accident'?" And then there's the possibility that, at some point in a person's language development, they heard "an accident" but remembered it as "on accident". Then again, if you're a full-blown adult, why not just use the proper adverb "accidentally"?
I think the reason people have to say "by accident" or "on accident" is because they needed to learn the phrases before they were able to get their tongues around the word "accidentally". Because, really, when do we have the majority of our accidents? Childhood.
So what's correct?
My vote is with the "by accident" party (but I like arguments about words, so hit me with your best shot).
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