Jun 27, 2009 00:08
- 06:23 @ Tinhuviel hopefully 'twas a good absinthy *boom* ;D #
- 06:33 is hungry... maybe (too bad I just want to stay in bed). Beasties will get my bum movin'! *bed dance* #
- 07:24 is being driven to work. Snazzy! ^_^ #
- 08:09 @ kingdomofwench Half the time of the train AND no smelling ass and B.O. all the way to work. It's like my special day over here. #
- 08:19 's coffee buddy is AWOL. Sad bun-bun. :( #
- 08:57 A little 'Rejected' for your morning: bit.ly/4sUiV #
- 09:28 didn't remember FollowFriday last week, but will make up for it with 2 this week! #
- 10:50 "Failure concentrates the mind wonderfully. If you don't make mistakes, you're not trying hard enough." - Jasper Fforde #
- 11:57 ... I got no reason, it's all too much / you'll always find us OUT TO LUNCH. =P #
- 12:01 In employing the sort of self-analysis necessary to announce oneself "pretty vacant," is the observation nullified or made untrue? Discuss. #
- 12:19 @ Tinhuviel so how much absinthe was that? #
- 12:49 @ Tinhuviel urgh, that'll do it... hope you (and puppy) feel better! #
- 12:52 @ measi great, right? I think a lot of people have disappeared in anticipation of next week. #
- 12:55 This java mocha toffee chip thing is diabetes in a cup. And I <3 it. twitpic.com/8h5qg #
- 12:56 @ Tinhuviel beta bio? #
- 12:57 @ Tinhuviel affirmative ^_^ #
- 13:01 twitpic.com/8h5qg - Bad HTML. Supposed to say: "I [heart] it." #
- 13:03 @ mldrfan he looks great! I want to learn how to draw chibis so bad now ... #
- 13:05 @ ClownLuv eat, drink, and be merry! #
- 13:07 @ mldrfan yeah, I bought one when I was working on a plushie. Helped w/ the face, but I never figured out body dimensions too well. #
- 13:09 still has to finish her J plushie... though, actually, the orange Arkham jumpsuit would be loads easier to construct than his suit... Hmm... #
- 13:12 @ mldrfan we wore you down! :D #
- 13:15 @ mldrfan your mum's got skills--hers would probably turn out better (and faster) than mine. Mine still has no face, poor bugger! #
- 13:37 @ mldrfan dA doesn't want my txt comments ... He looks both creepy and winsome. It's a great combination. :) #
- 13:45 Hah. Some guy just started following me because of my earlier semi-pejorative Starbucks reference. I don't actually have diabetes, dude. #
- 13:54 @ masquedbunny [YET.] #
- 14:02 @ beccasexton Hiya, B! :) #
- 14:05 @ MsManagr We have tealuxe here, but these descriptions and praises of teavana are making me both curious and a wee bit jealous. #
- 14:07 @ beccasexton Hehehe ... I may as well be *wired to Twitter some days (it might be getting out of hand). #
- 14:18 :::O.o::: there's a teavana at the Pru ... (@kingdomofwench probably knew of this already) #
- 14:32 is headed back to the mail room purgatory of paper 'til 16.00 (ET). Ta! #
- 14:40 @ kingdomofwench I'm being told it's amazing. Had thought it was a CA thing, but quite mistaken. Must try this soon, maybe @ North Shore. #
- 14:57 @ Tinhuviel I get that. :-/ take care, chica! #
- 14:59 @ ClownLuv your subconscious talking ;) #
- 15:01 @ Opal_Lynn I know i'm a lurker, but yes, UPS is in fact made up of scraps of FAIL. Feel better, dude. #
- 15:08 @ Opal_Lynn LOL. Indeed. :) #
- 15:09 @ prismwuff But they apparently have magical cold-curing tea! Must investigate as a proactive measure! ~.~ #
- 15:15 @ prismwuff I want to try the tea they had in Zoolander. It probably doesn't exist, but I'm keeping my dream alive! #
- 16:01 As Mr. Humphries would say-- bit.ly/AZhFB #
- 16:14 @ mldrfan They see an inverted cross; I see a seam/crease. Maybe they think his pants are a Rorschach test? #
- 16:14 @ masquedbunny And what does that interpretation say about them, I wonder? #
- 16:31 @ MsManagr interpreting symbols in trousers? sounds like risky business. especially w/ strangers. eep! #
- 17:15 CNN political correspondent Tom Foreman looks like he might be made of play-doh. Very doh-y feel about him. ... O_o #
- 17:53 Mum made veggie chili for dinner! Mmmmmmm... :-9 #
- 19:56 @ the Apple Store, ogling the pretties and shinies. @_@ #
- 19:58 @ measi haha, I just visited Teavana for the first time. You're right. It is quite nice. I like the free samples. :) #
- 19:59 @ measi :::mourns your ded foot::: ;_; #
- 22:34 , having subjected parents to Russell Brand (ha ha ha), is now exhausted, over-warm, and ready to crash. -.- (computer sounds DONE, too) :-/ #
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