Jun 25, 2009 00:08
- 07:01 plots not-so-secretly to attack her father's Gandalfesque eyebrows with cosmetic scissors. But not tweezers--just scissors. ;P #
- 08:04 Free Starbucks iced coffee samples in North Station (T, not Commuter). They should be there every day. Definitely improves the commute. ^_^ #
- 08:26 @ ClownLuv ::sends you good vibes:: #
- 08:31 @ ClownLuv Good morning! :) #
- 08:32 Though--England 2.0 doesn't seem to have mornings (or days) anymore. Just one gray haze after another. Seasonal depression in June, WTF... #
- 10:37 @ mldrfan you'll have to tell me about the longevity of the buttons (they are buttons, right? tiny screen, I haz); I tend to kill buttons. :/ #
- 13:57 is *actually* going to Florida in July... O_O ...Bye-bye, moneys; hello, Mickey! #
- 14:25 @ ClownLuv If you do, can we see, too? That sounds like many many lulz, actually. #
- 14:30 @ ClownLuv Awesome--we can never have too many lulz! #
- 14:33 @ ClownLuv ... you're going to Jokerize him, aren't you? C8 #
- 15:54 @ gunslingaaahhh Wow, good job on the scars! #
- 16:45 is totally beating her parents in the public transportation race to Spookytown. Nya-ha-ha! ::is also a naughty child:: :P #
- 17:13 is on the train, watching the fog drift across the tufts of marshland. England 2.0 or ... Wuthering Heights? O_o #
- 18:02 @ MsManagr Welcome back to the land of the living. :) #
- 18:04 @ Tinhuviel I enjoy the book, too. Who does the song? #
- 20:06 @ Tinhuviel Ooh, yes, please! (sorry about delay--dining w/ parents) #
- 20:18 @ Tinhuviel okie dokie-- mariap [at] bu [dot] edu #
- 21:08 @ Tinhuviel Thank you!! (I replied, too) :) #
- 21:10 Well, that's cool, since I didn't even know she was on Twitter: "@theladychablis is now following you" ::wants to see the show live!::: #
- 21:53 Getting Lush and BPALy ... showah time! ^_^ #
- 23:28 @ gunslingaaahhh --if by "awful" you mean "AWESOME". Seriously, that was a good impression on both sides of the dialogue. #
- 23:30 ought to go to bed and stop eavesdroppin'... *sigh* #
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