remember Little Monsters? my memory was apparently hazy

Nov 13, 2008 08:39

"If dragons aren't real, then why are they at the Museum of Science?" an advert asks the idle reader on the train to North Station.

To confuse and delude small gullible children? I think.

Last night, while waiting for new episodes of Psych to finish downloading, I was channel-surfing and couldn't find anything I wanted to watch. Not-David Gregory on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue was leading into Chris Matthews on Hard Ball (ugh), and there weren't any decent movies on ... And then I remembered clicking through the On Demand list last week and noting all the free movies. So I did that again.

I tried to watch Cutthroat Island, but it was even more boring the second time around. I tried to watch Highlander: The Source, but the post-apocalyptic future vibe turned me off (what I enjoyed about the show was that it was modern and different from the Lambert movies; this one felt like a Lambert movie). Click. Click. Click.

Little Monsters. This is one of those movies that I had not yet watched as an adult, but had enjoyed (and been weirded-out by it) as a child. So I picked that one.

I have to say that in comparison to what passes for children's movies now, this was kind of edgy. And creepy--creepy in a way that you don't expect a children's movie to be creepy. I had completely blanked out the part where the secondary bad guy gouges in some kid-monster's eye and rips off his head. That's a pretty traumatic visual for a child.

I'd also blanked on how very effective Frank Whaley's performance as Boy was. Even now, as an adult, that character was able to make my skin crawl--though for different reasons now, I think. As a kid, it was probably the gross factor. Now--now, I pick up on all the vaguely paederastic undertones of the whole movie and the hidden masturbation jokes that would fly over a six-year-old's head. As for Boy--and I mean this with all respect to the acting talents of Mr. Whaley, but--holy squick, Batman.

I then went and un-creeped by watching a new episode of Psych. Much better for dreams, that show.

Time for coffee.

nostalgia, television, commuting, movies

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