I also just drank a Pepsi, which exploded on me when I opened it.
http://edenandeden.com/item.php?p=375 http://edenandeden.com/item.php?p=303(ITS A POLAROID MIRROR. OMHMFG.)
http://edenandeden.com/item.php?p=43 http://edenandeden.com/item.php?p=17(ITS A TWEED PIGGY!)
http://edenandeden.com/item.php?p=147(These are coasters. *happy dance*)
http://edenandeden.com/item.php?p=98(Its a zipper. Nuff said.)
http://edenandeden.com/item.php?p=12(THat's just awesome. My other keys will look dull in comparison.)
http://www.designspongeonline.com/2009/07/diy-project-nicoles-modern-bunny-hutch.html(SO... I have a small desire to get a bunny. I love bunnies. But I don't know what they DO.
THus I have shifted back to my dream of having a grey tabby named Pan.
But this chick and her boyfriend modded a thing from Ikea to make a bitchin bunny hutch.
I dont know who she is but she rocks!)
(BUNNY! ...yeah. THe nail polish is furthering my idea to dye the tips of my hair electric yellow.
We shall see.)
http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=27726267(This is motherf*ckin adorable.)
http://www.velocityartanddesign.com/ashley-goldberg-c-627.html(I want so many Ashley G prints/paintings its ridiculous. I'm not jealous of her life at all... ><)
http://www.velocityartanddesign.com/hiding-bunny-floor-pillow-c-1219-p-1-pr-19462.htmlhttp://www.velocityartanddesign.com/peeking-bunny-floor-pillow-c-1219-p-1-pr-19461.html http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=1001 http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=25026791 http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=2565 ...now i'm not online shopping so much as reading 3 blogs at the same time, so ima gonna cut this long ass entry short. :D
*hugs anyone who reads this*
I miss people.