(no subject)

Oct 19, 2014 11:46

Lookit me!  I'm posting two weeks in a row!
Not much to report, though.  I did a better job of handling the time off, I think.  Got back to kickboxing one night, joined my 'girls' at the work gym for 3 days and helped Nub move out of her condo on the 5th day.  We had a nice day together, getting things packed and loaded and transported, and shared a delicious lunch at the french bakery down on Main Street in Bellevue.
Turned down the Bellevue job, scheduled an informal coffee meeting at company in Fremont, and got asked for a phone interview with a different downtown company.  Even if the pay isn't quite as good as Novo, at least they'll be easier to get to.
Had a wonderful happy hour with my department mates and got to chat with my old boss and another group member over coffee prior to the big meetup.  It was great to see everyone!!
I also drove down to IKEA (twice!) to get some office furniture for Axeman.  We'll be assembling it today, I think, if all goes as planned.  I touched up the paint in our bathroom and thoroughly cleaned everything in there, got some paperwork taken care of, prepped for and hosted a D&D game and cooked some yummy fudz.  We had a lot of fun yesterday at game, then got to play both Ascension and Marvel Legends (Legendary? something..) board games.
Overall, not a bad report for the week.

Watching:  caught up on S2 of Agents of SHIELD, rewatched Casino Royale, curious about both Flash and Gotham, but haven't started either.
Playing:  Nothing, strangely enough.  I need to push through DA2, since the third installment comes out next month.  Axeman's got his eye on Shadows of Mordor, which comes out the same day, so we'll be independently gaming happy for the winter months.  Luckily mine is a PC game and his is PS3, so we won't be competing for console time.  We are almost 70% finished with the Hobbit LEGO game, but haven't spent much time on it lately.
Reading:  The Blade Itself, and How to be a Woman (pretty funny loaner book from Nub)
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