Shitty Day

May 29, 2005 22:52

Ok... I fucking hate mold. I hate it more when we discover it lurking in a cabinet in the house.

We bought water last christmas when our pipes froze. Well, the damn jugs ruptured and rotted out the bottom of the cabinet under the microwave.

Since Jen is highly allergic to the shit, I ended up with the cleanup job. And since these cabinets were so poorly constructed I had to do it the hard way. A few good hammer blows and the half rotted MDF was loose enough to remove.

So we clean up the mess, go so far as bleach it down, and then I have to rebuild the bottom of the cabinet.

1) I'm a fat guy. I hate working on the floor at the best of times.

2) None of the pieces wanted to go back together.

3) I hate construction to begin with. This was not how I wanted to spend my fucking sunday.

Anyway... That's over and done. It's repaired, looks reasonably decent and is now holding the 15 bottles of Diet Coke with Splenda we picked up on the cheap.

I like it... It's the first Diet Drink that doesn't make me gag.

Anyway... Time to work on Anoki so more and so on.
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