Oct 04, 2004 17:36
today, the dreaded monday, the unofficial start of the week. I dont think there was ever a point in my life in which i was particularly excited for it to be Monday. I always remember dreading the day that started school, practice, and so on. Today was not too bad...I woke up at 1230, and went to type a paper. Did that and went to class. In class (social psychology) the teacher discussed prejudice and discrimination. She told us not to take notes, but only to listen as she told horror stories of prejudice and acts of violent discrimination.
After about 30 min of this, she tells us this story about a boy named Matthew Shepard. He was a student and the Univ of Wyoming and he was homosexual. He went to this bar in Laramie, WY and met 2 guys who claimed to be gay as well...He left with the guys. 18 hours he was found by police strapped to a fence in the crucifix position and had been pistol whipped 18 times with a 347 magnum. He was alive when they found and his face was covered in blood with the exception of two streams of tears running down his face. Once in the hospital, he went in and out of comas. He told his parents and he loved, and then died in the middle of one of the comas, when his heart failed. The next day his mother got on the air and told every parent to make sure they tell their children they love them every day.
I was shocked by this because it happened fairly recent. Do we still live in a society that we cant accept other people's rights to do as they please??? I am not gay - by any means - but that doesnt mean I hate gay people. I dont care what anyone does so long as it doesnt affect me negatively. I am still reflecting on this because I dont exactly know what to make of it. I just dont understand how people can be so hate-filled.
Oh well, that's my monday. In case you are wondering, our teacher - who is like a very unemotional lady-let class out early because she was about to cry...it is really sad