Aug 18, 2004 15:24
ok so this is my last entry from houston, texas! i can't believe im leaving! although at first i didn't mind packing and now every 2 seconds i turn around and there is something i forgot! im running out of boxes! tonight my daddy and i are going out for sushi and then we are going to babes on broadway cause it opens friday and obviously i won't be here! so im going to a dress rehursal but its all the same. im going to miss my church kids so much! i love them! its gunna be hard sayin bye to ppl that i have been raised with!! some kids i went to day school or nursery school with! i have known them forever and i don't know what i will do with not seeing them almost all the time! they better call me or email me! bitches! then tomorrow i have my spa manicure and pedicure that ms. mabrey gave me....mmmm...katie got the same thing and she said her manicure and pedicure took an hour and a half! im so excited! she hasn't called me but im sure she is having a blast! well i better take a shower and get dressed. my computer is going to be turned off today and packed up so ppl better get their goodbyes in while they can! yea right. i still back my previous statement that im not going to be missed that much. ppl move on. i have learned that oh too well. im sure for my birthday my parents will call, i'll get an im from laura, katie MIGHT send me an email. thats about it. im so nervous about making friends. mine are so tight here and im so retarded when im around them! i love them so much! but when i am put in a situation where i don't know ANYONE and its in a new city, i will clam up and im scarred that ppl won't like me or talk to me and i'll just sit in my room all day looking at my old friends away messages. oh well. man i need to go on some kinda medication! i hate pmsing. it sucks!!!! ok to all ppl thinking of finding a cure for cancer or the common cold, find a cure for PMS and menstration!!! i will love you forever! cancer you can do first, but pms comes RIGHT AFTER THAT! ok im stopping. taking a shower, i look like i got dragged behind a truck for 30 min on i-10...yikes. it isn't pretty im telling you. ok this is courtney mason SIGNING OFF from H-town! thanks for a great but boring 18 years! san antonio! here i come!