Okay before I start:
ERICH is not my lj friend anymore. There was a line through his name on my list! I am shocked! Well not really since he only replied once to a post and him and Sarah are through. Talk about cutting ties...but good riddence. Can't trust a person who never grasped the kindergarten lesson of sharing.
This entry is really long...SORRY!!!
Okay, I can’t sleep.
My brother is coming to visit this weekend. I’m very excited about it, he’s bringing his girlfriend who I haven’t seen in a really long time, so I’m looking forward to spending time with her. They will be here till Sunday, there will be racetrack tours, shopping, and tubing, so a good time to be had by all. I have a feeling I will see my bother again shortly after though.
My grandmother doesn’t have very long, Mom says maybe a week or so. I can't even imagine how hard this is for her... I’ve already talked it over with my boss about what’s going on and I’ll have about a week to play with. I’ve told myself that I’m not going to leave mom this time. It killed me to leave her so soon after dad died, and I swore I was not going to do it again.
I was lying awake thinking about a fender bender I was in a few weeks ago. I keep kicking myself on what I did wrong. I didn’t call a cop, I was too much in shock over it. It didn’t help that neither Keith or my insurance agent picked up the phone when I called to see what I should do. To make matters worse the lady didn’t speak English and apparently didn’t understand the concept of ‘insurance’. *sigh* It has become a huge deal and they refuse to pay the damage, even though I have tape to prove that she did in fact back into my car. The damage is less then my deductible, so that’s not really an option and it will be more in lawyer costs to take them to small claims court for the damages…not that I can afford a lawyer. I just hate it that they don’t have to pay for what they did. After I talked with my insurance agent earlier this week and he told me my options, I just wanted to go down to those people’s apartment and put some damage to their car. Instead, I just cried. With my luck I would get caught anyway, and really what good would it do? I really hope it just works out in the end. My advice to you? Always call a cop and always have change for the parking garage. If I would have it would have saved me $500 in damages and hours stressing out about it. Why can’t my friends be out of law school yet??
I’m getting my car back tomorrow from the shop (on an unrelated matter). My starter gave out, so I had to get it replaced. No sense having an unreliable car, a girl has to get around. Of course it was ridiculously priced (I really think parts are priced on how vital to the car’s run ability), but it has a lifetime warranty on it - so I guess that is something. It had to be done. My friend Lauren’s dad came over and looked at my car and recommended the shop. It was nice to have him look at the car and feel like I was being looked after. This is what my dad would have done, its times like these I really miss him. People are not supposed to lose their parents this young. It is a silly childish thought, but I feel that way. As crummy as my dad was at times, I knew deep down he would always have my back if I needed it. Now, as an adult and assured in who I am, I think we would have gotten long fine, and I wish that I would have inherited more of his backbone (but maybe that will come in time?). My dad was the type to hit first, ask questions later…which I guess is good for...
Clint and Shaun that Dad never knew the shit that they put me through (though I’m sure he does on some plane of existence). Their asses would have been toast, though I reflect on Shaun in a much better light then Clint. I was stupid in love wiht Shaun, I was just stupid with Clint. Do I get an Amen Jenny? I have found, as times go by, that I still have the physical aversion to him. I didn’t realize it till a month or so ago when he posted pictures on his live journal. Seeing him brought back all the slimy, manipulative things that he did to me, and to Leigh, and it just made me sick. I realize he’s grown up now and changed (matured perhaps?), but it’s a real shame that he had to take the path of jerkdom to do it. But haven’t we all done that a time or two? I’m sure I did.
And now back to your regularly schedule program.
Sarah visited last weekend and Keith and I had a housewarming party for some of the DPU crew. It was a good turnout and we had a good time. It was great to see Colin and his wife Heather again. I cannot wait to have something during the holiday season. I hope that we will have the house more settled by that time and be homier. There really isn’t anything in the formal living room or dining area, I want to save up for something really nice but that will mean bare rooms for quite a bit. Oh well, we still have a family room and well stocked kitchen, so there is little I can really complain about. The thing I’m most excited about is my craft room. It’s going to be such a nice place for rainy day crafts and studying for school. It is room to grow, I’m still getting used to the fact that I own a house. It’s crazy how life turns out…I remember when I had this idealistic dream of being married at 25...HA HA HA. Well, I guess I shouldn’t laugh, it might happen…I have 6 months…*muses for a moment*. Can’t say how much the pool on whose getting engaged first is amusing me. It started back up in full force at SJ’s wedding. The race is between Katie, Porter, Me, and Renita (from what I’ve gathered from others). Am I missing anyone? I figure it will just be a domino effect, so we’ll see where I fall. Keith’s got a poker face about it, which is just fine cause with all the stress of this summer I want things to calm down a bit before an engagement. Of course that hasn’t stopped me from gathering info about various places. Might as well know in advance, what things are going to cost and what is available. I can’t stop being me and the desire to plan...something...anything...
Speaking of school, I start my first class on August 24th. I’m taking Introduction to Museum Studies and Museum Education. These are the two that I really need to focus on and are the basics. Gotta keep up with those cute underclassman who are still wet behind the ears and all wide eyed and innocent about the real world. I was talking to the program director and some of the electives sound great. One of my classes this semester meets at the children’s museum! I hope the books are not too expensive and that I can get back into the swing of things without much trouble. I’m a little terrified of going back, though I did get psyched about the whole buying school supplies thing. Yay!
Okay, I think I have rambled enough for one evening. I think the best thing at this point is to try another stab at sleeping.
Okay, the brother just called and the details are all lined up for the weekend. Time to sleep since all the rambling thoughts are now out of my head.