May 24, 2005 07:27
This is a post to my friends, it's directed towards some more than others, and some may realise this, others may just pass it over, but for all those who do read it please read it carefully, for rather yourself, or someone you know could be effected by my subjects at hand.
I'm talking about suicide or hurting yourself in ways you shouldn't, and depression. I admit compared to some people out there.. my life hasn't been half as bad as I like to think it has, but that didn't sometimes stop me from thinking how easy it would be to just give up, but the one thing I had to remember was if I gave up i didn't just give up life, I gave up on any family and friends who did care about and possibly love me, I gave up on those I were yet to meet in life, I gave up on any aspirations or goals I might of had, but worst of all... for anyone who ever doubted me or thought I couldn't do something, I let them win.
I know some people, and I know most people know others who have thought about suicide or have depression or many other things that can make life seem unbearable at times, but you have to hold on and not give up. As hard as it may seem, there is always atleast one thing to hold onto, even if that one thing doesn't exist yet then look to the future, look to any goals you might have and grab onto those, aim for them, just never give up, and for those of you out there who know me and are going thru depression, thoughts of suicide or anything at all like that.. then talk to me. I'm here for you.