A Week of Our Tweets

Jul 08, 2010 23:55

Here's a look back at today in Tweets.

  • 03:48 What a day! Finally finished the major painting at new place, stuff put into storage and final packing. This should be last night in house. #
  • 11:51 Just woke up after finally hitting the sheets at around 4am and an intense day of moving and painting. I hope we can get it all done today. #
  • 19:38 How in the hell did it become 7:00pm already?! Even factoring in MST*, this is nuts. (*Mason Standard Time/always late) #
  • 20:32 So perfect, so true! RT @TumbleDry: RT @andymatic: Why you never to ask favours from the designers bit.ly/9STKTt #
  • 20:36 So if anyone in my Trawna Twitterverse/FB is in need of a futon, speak now. Well, rather, DM or call me. Too big for new place and storage. #
  • 20:39 @ 2seksimen thanks for float comment. Just NOW seeing it so sorry for the delayed reply! #
  • 20:46 Something else she and I have in common (besides our humour, beauty and charm) RT @jannarden: I am busier than a whore on a Murphy bed. #
  • 23:29 Daylight revealed the need for another coat of white paint on the mustard & perrywinkle walls at new place, so tonight is a last, not first #
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