Demonic Kyo07: I wanna make a movie too
Demonic Kyo07: yet sadly I don't have an uber sexy b/f to make a movie of him in the shower. -le sigh-
AnoShinri: poor you XP
Demonic Kyo07: I KNOW!
AnoShinri: *tear for Katie*
Demonic Kyo07: aw, thank you!
Just for you
xpunk_hajix you and your sexy b/f and self! XDD I put part of this up in my aim profile. cause it was too good to say no. XD.
Oh and my sister and her b/f got a new puppy! I am gonna post pictures of it when I'm home from the mall today. He was 350$!! For a mutt! Oh and footloose try outs tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHochkfehfcndhoicyhwdo!~!!!!!! Soooooo scared!!!!! XD.