Jul 28, 2005 17:19
c r u s h i n . . .
Pre-K: no clue
Kindergarten: no clue
1st Grade: no clue
2nd Grade: no clue
3rd Grade: no clue
4th Grade: no clue
5th Grade: no clue
6th Grade: no clue
7th Grade: no clue
8th Grade: no clue
9th grade: no clue
10th grade: Anna, Linzi
11th grade: Anna, Turkey
12th grade: Anna, Michelle, Whitney, Turkey, I am sure there is more.. I cannot remember them all
--> o t h e r .
Do you have a job: somewhat
What are you scared of: nothin
Most interesting thing you've done this summer: White Water Rafting, Ropes course, roman candle wars, fall from high places(I want to base jump/sky dive so badly!!), shot at a car with my paintball gun, almost blew off my hand with a mortor, throw ginormus rockets when lite, spinning on my tube, wrestled with Ozzy and Johnny, MORSE CODE!!, Fun Depot, wow.. I have had a fun summer:)
What store do you shop at the most: food stores
Have you ever done any drugs: pain killers and such
Do you collect anything: State quarters
Are you a ditz: no clue
--> f a v o r i t e s .
Day of the week: Thursday.
Thing in your room: my 4 foot pillows
Cousin: Jimmy
CD: Blindside: Silence
Song(s): too many, not enough
Animal: all of them?
Ice cream: most any
Drink: sweet tea and coke
Thing to do: almost anything
Movies of all time: Lord of the Rings trilogy, Riddick, Pearl Harbor, Marvel comic movies, the Matrix Triligy ect. ect.
Hangout: Ozzy's
Pizza topping: the Carnivore
--> r a n d o m .
Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Hopefully Married w/ at least 2 kids, my own house and business, living for God(I will only have that cause of Him)
If you could live anywhere: Scotland
Dream house: A 4/2 with a big yard and trees with a hammock
What age do you want to get married: before 25
How many kids do you want: not to many, but not to little either
Girl's names: Jessica, Britany, and a few others
Boy's names: Brandon, Jacob, Zane, and a few others
--> h a v e y o u e v e r .
Been in love?: yes
Lied?: who hasn't.. really.. come on...
Cheated on a test?: only pointless tests
Cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Never had one
Tied your shoes together?: Nope
--> o p p o s i t e s e x .
1st thing you notice about the opposite sex: Body
Perfect "dream" date: randomly leaving for somewhere, like a night on the beach, or something like that
What do you look for in the opposite sex?: Fun, funny, a good smile, someone who likes to have fun
What does the opposite sex not know about you?: I look a 3 musketear or Orlando Bloom
--> n i g h t t i m e .
What do you wear to bed: boxers or silkish shorts
What's your bed time: whenever I want
Do you wish on stars: No, but I like to look at them sometimes
Is there a TV in your room: yes, for gaming or movie purposes only
What's the last thing you do before you fall asleep: whatever is on my mind.. I go to sleep fast most nights
--> f r i e n d s .
Person you can trust the most: the Trinity, John, Leah, Turkey, and That Bench Girl
What is the best quality of a friend: someone that is there, someone who is open and goes deep
What friend do you have the most fun with: :-\
Had sex: No.
Had online sex: no.
Left the country: No.
Been so drunk you blacked out: no.
Gone out in public in your pajamas: Yes.
Missed school b/c it was raining: no.
Set yourself or a body part on fire: Yes.
Actually thrown shoes onto a phone wire: no.
Had an imaginary friend: No.
Ever cried at a chick flick: yes.
Done something stupid to impress your crush: it never impressed them.
Found a cartoon character attractive: Yes.
At anytime owned a New Kids on the Block tape: who?
Planned your week based on the TV: no.
Been on stage: Yes.
ARE YOU.....
Lonely: Sometimes.
Happy: A lot, yes.
Wearing pajamas: Yes.
Hungry: almost always
Eating: Nope.
Talking to someone online: No. I feel bad though.. cause I was talking to the Halfling and someone called me again and I didn't get to say bye:( twice today:(