i_heart_meese , piece of crap number two? XD XD XD This is silly too, and I don't like it as much as the first bit but it's finished. And I like the ending XD XD Don't read the ending first though! Haha XD Hope you like it. Any randoms that have found this, this is the second bit. The first bit is The One Where Gee Sleeps Through The Zombie Apocalypse. Oh, and obviously I don't own My Chemical Romance or anything like that, I'm just borrowing them for a minute or two.
The One Where There’s A Surprise Ending
So it turns out Pete really had planned for the Zombie Apocalypse. When they’d arrived in Chicago, Gerard had been surprised at how many survivors he saw, watching them warily with guns in hand. It made him wonder how many people Pete actually knew, if half of Chicago was still standing.
Pete’s house (fortress) was huge. He’d obviously planned to accommodate an entire army, which was actually rather scary. It had scared the shit out of Gerard and Frank anyway. Well, mostly Gerard. Frank had started giggling, because ‘holy shit, imagine Pete being in charge of the Zombie resistance!’ It wasn’t as funny to Gerard, because holy shit, imagine Pete being in charge of the Zombie resistance!
Mikey had complete faith in Pete though. But Pete had also greeted Mikey by licking his face, and then telling him he had something in his bedroom that was ‘awesome, you’ll want to touch it’. Gerard pretended he didn’t know what Pete meant he wanted his baby brother to touch in his bedroom.
But because Pete had stolen Mikey away, and Ray and Brian had stopped talking to Gerard for the moment because he actually had drawn that picture of a Zombie eating Ray’s face, he was basically left to his own devices. He ended up wandering up and down the ridiculous number of halls - half of them didn’t even lead anywhere, the place was like fucking Hogwarts. It suited Pete.
He had bumped into Patrick though, who’d gotten lost and ended up in one of the dead end corridors. Gerard had asked how he’d managed to get lost, hadn’t he been here before? And Patrick told him the place moved around and changed on you overnight. Gerard wasn’t surprised. He’d mentioned Hogwarts, right?
Patrick also informed him of who else had found their way here - The Academy had gotten here a week ago, and The Used arrived the day before they had (Gerard made a mental note not to wander around by himself any more, not when Quinn and Bert had guns). The Panic boys were apparently coming, and so was Travie, the rest of Cobra Starship (Gabe had managed to get here almost as soon as the whole Apocalypse thing happened), The Cab, The Like and The Hush Sound. Who else was coming, he wasn’t sure, but he was pretty confident that more would turn up.
When Gerard asked if Pete was planning to build a Zombie Resistance Army, Patrick had looked at him darkly and said that he really, didn’t want to know.
Gerard found Frank with Jepha twenty minutes later (remember the not walking alone thing?) to tell him about Pete’s plan for a Zombie Resistance Army. Frank didn’t seem to care too much.
In fact, Gerard was actually slightly disappointed with his friend’s lack of concern with the idea of Pete being in charge of an army. Possibly the army. What happened to the rest of the world he didn’t know, and Pete may be the only one with the capacity to build an army anymore. The whole idea of Pete effectively running the country (and maybe even the world) was terrifying, and no one seemed to care.
Gabe would probably be Vice President, and make everyone wear neon. And William would be his secretary, and he’d wear stilettos all the time and make Gabe do exactly what he wanted or he wouldn’t put out. And Pete would make Mikey the state secretary, and he’d always be dragging his brother away on ‘State Business’ but in reality he’d be getting him to touch his ‘awesome thing’ in his office. And he’d make Spencer treasurer and he’d probably knight the rest of the Panic boys because... well, Gerard didn’t know why Pete had such an interest in the Panic boys. It was a little disturbing really. But he’d knight them for sure.
The world was doomed. More so because Pete was going to rule the world, and less because of the zombies. He’d probably make Gerard something awesome, because his little brother was the one who touched his awesome thing. Oh god, where were the zombies to eat his brain when he needed them?
Gerard contemplated the world’s certain demise (its demise from the Zombie Apocalypse to a world run by Pete, and having to wear neon and bow to the whims of William Beckett. It was definitely a step down from the Zombie Apocalypse) with a certain sense of resignation. Maybe he could get an exception from the neon if Mikey was... touching Pete’s awesome thing? He was slightly horrified that he was thinking about it, but that’s what happens in a post-apocalyptic world. He has to consider selling his little brother’s sexual favours.
Mikey wasn’t exactly impressed when Gerard found him an hour later and told him about his plan to sell his sexual favours, but Brian and Ray and Frank cut in before he could throw a proper bitch fit. They seemed pretty damn serious. And, now that they mentioned it, what the hell did happen to Bob?