Monday morning- Weekend was interesting

Aug 08, 2005 11:26

As sad as it is....I'm kind of glad to be back at work. My weekend really sucked! I had so many plans (tentative ones at least) that fell through. Friday i was suppsoed to meet some friends for a few drinks...they decided not to come out so i was like fuck it i'm going out. So I went out to the Hippo for some karaoke (my usual boring friday routine). I ran into one of my good friends there which was cool and we chatted. Things were not good for him...he had recently been diagnosed as being HIV+ which i had already known but what he neglected to tell me was the fact that he waited too long to get himself tested and treated and the HIV had went into full blown AIDS. =( I didn't know what to do or i just gave him a big hug and told him i was there for him. So we cried a lil bit and I ended up going home really pondering about everything (probably too much) and about how real this disease is. Its very scary! I don't know how i would be if i had to deal with what he is dealing with. So....with that haunting my mind, i tried my very best to get some sleep that night.

Saturday was a better day...thank goodness...I went tanning in the morning,came how and relaxed for a lil while until I had to go out and meet one of my best str8 girlfriends for her birthday. I wanted to go Go-karting and mini golf..but of course..they just wanted to go straight to a bar. So we went to Claddaughs in Canton and I got shit faced. Now i rarely get shit faced but i was like..fuck it...i wanna have some fun. Well i had a lil too much fun. There was this really REALLY hot str8 guy there and of course i was being cruisey. Well my dumb ass decided to get all touchy feely (like i usually do when i get drunk..but usually i'm at a gay bar) and decided to grope this guy. Well, he def. did not like it! I almost got a beat down...thank goodness my girl bailed me out explaining i was with her and drunk. After almost getting a broken nose..i sobered up fast and got a cab home. LOL I don't even think i made it to my bed that night. I woke up on the Couch.

Now its sunday..... today i was all excited because i had a date with this guy i had been talking too for a while. We had planned this for a lil bit and got my hopes up to hanging with him. So i got up, got all showered and clean cause we were going to meet at 1pm. Well 1 o'clock came around and I tried to call him. Str8 to voicemail...I waited a lil while and called back. Again voicemail...this time i left a message letting him know i was ready to get get together. 2 o'clock came then 3..then 4...then 5...nothing..i heard nothing from him. So i sat there like a dumbass hoping he would call and salvage some of the day. Nothing! =( I don't get do i find all the ass holes! Can i get a break and meet a nice guy for a change that won't stand me up. I'm so about to give up on this whole dating thing. Is it really worth it?? Most guys that i usually am attracted too and seem real enough to in another state or across the US. Whats wrong with this picture?? is this a sign that i need to move? Cause i can't seem to find a guy locally...

I am so depressed! So that was my weekend. but i'm much better now cause i'm back at work and i can finally try to pre-occupy myself from dwelling on everything. =D
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