Jan 27, 2009 10:44
So, I had an idea for the best video game ever.
Street Fighter Chess.
You set up your team as you like. Cammy as your pawns? Akuma as your king? Ryu as your rooks, whatever you like.
-alternative each piece that is duplicated (knight, bishop, rook) might be different but similar characters. ryu/ken. guy/charlie. etc. or might just be flat out different (ryu/charlie).
In theory, imagine the character based chess sets. civil war, lord of the rings, whatever.
here it becomes kind of like battle chess. when a piece captures another piece, you are taken into a streetfighter set up and you control, as per usual street fighter game design, your piece and who ever wins get's the square.
possibly damage or Health should be adjusted in favor of the attacking piece. because in real chess there's no chance of failure for capture.
i would suggest that it should use a later street fighter library (alpha 3 or beyond) to include a heavy mix of characters.
i don't know if damage should carry from one fight to the next.
because there's the always unknown outcome of any attempted fight, it makes it kind of like stratego. and possibly that should be the model instead of chess. but i am not convinced.
if this shitty game ever had tournies, i would suggest predetermined character to piece selections. or possibly just just character lists (shrinking the available library).
one interesting point of strategy is team set up. are you good with bishops but weak with knights? are you good with ryu but weak with charlie? then should ryu be a knight to account for your knight weakness, or a bishop to maximize your strengths?
should the king be captured? and able to fight for himself? or checkmated as in usual chess? or could check mate force a street fighter battle where the defending king's player looses the game if the king looses the match, but play continues with elimination of the attacking piece if the king wins? only to be forced into a second round in the event of two pieces simultaneously threatening the king?